Sure Thing, Buddy

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I nodded.
"Sure thing. No sex though, okay?" I said.
He nodded happily.
"Oh, yeah. Not unless you want it, consent is very important. I'm not gonna pressure you into doing anything you don't wanna do. That would really be a dick move." he laughed.
Frank gasped.
"Oh. My. Fucking. Jesus. Wait, I'm atheist." Frank laughed. Gerard smiled like he was in a daze.
"Babe, I'm not really gonna change who I am, but you're fine with that, right?" asked Gee. I nodded.
"Sure... babe?" I nervously said. Frank coughed. Ray sneezed. I heard a camera shutter sound effect from their direction. It was Mikey.
"Instagram." he explained. "Ooh, Gee. There's this girl we gotta get. She called me gay." said Mikey, suddenly reminded of something.
"Mike, you are gay." laughed Bob. Ray sneezed again. Frank kicked over a desk for fun And laughed.
"C'mon guys, we have forty more minutes of lunch. Mikes, we gotta find this chick and get her for ya. I think that should be Kat's first time. Agreed?" Gee smiled. Everyone nodded.
I was a bit excited.

When we found the girl, her name was Rochelle, Gee explained what we would do.
"So, have you ever... uh, hit an ex boyfriend's car with a baseball bat?" I shook my head. "Ever played baseball or softball?" asked Gee. I shook my head again. "Me either. Golf?" he asked.
"Nope." I smiled. "Hmm, okay. You need to practice until we get this Rachel chick for ya." he laughed.

A few moments later he was watching as I practiced on a punching bag the guys had taken from the weight room. I lifted the mallet and swung weakly at the bag, imagining it was a real person.
"Okay, that was a little less than perfect, but we can keep trying, okay?" laughed Gee.

.symbiotic.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant