The story behind it all

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(Y/N) stared at Mickey as he explained to her what was going on. "Ya see, before Bendy even became a toon like us. Things were different, we toons had our own lives but at the same time we didn't..we suffered through this disease called Ink sickness, Bendy went through this disease and no one could help him until we started up that ink machine."

She nods then Oswald speaks softly as his ears drooped a bit "But apparently Joey has noticed the ink machine's magic and wanted to use it, so he revived Bendy but our Bendy was taken first we didn't mind because this happens to every toon and they'll come back once everything they've done as a toon was completed."

Mickey sighs and he looks at you "Joey took it to far, he tried to use it for something else..we didn't know what but we knew it was something out of the ordinary. Bendy and Boris were different, they weren't the sweet loving toons we knew. They still were but...they wouldn't remember us..that's why we came here, because if Bendy turns into the Bendy we knew in our world along with Boris and Alice trouble will break loose...(Y/N) I'm sorry to say this but...he'll die."

(Y/N) flinched then she clutches her fists gently as her bow started to drip ink a bit, Goldie soon enough came out and yawned "Mommy...what's wrong mommy?"

"...G-Goldie..I want you to go inside for mommy and wake Boris and Ein up alright..we're going back to the studio.." Mickey and Oswald smile then Mickey frowns a bit.

'...Should I tell her that we have to restart the ink machine so it can restart everything that's happened?' He stays silent as he dwelled on that thought then he shakes his head and stands up.

"Why don't cha introduce us to the new Boris please?" (Y/N) nods then she walks back inside and smiles.

"Hai (Y/N)! What's up?" Boris grins as his tail wags a bit, Ein looks up then her eyes widen and she looks back at (Y/N), the girl only chuckled.

"This is Bendy and Oswald..they're our new... Family! Apparently they came here to help us out..!" Boris grins then he hugs them both and smiles.

"WELCOME TO THE FAMILY MR MICKEY AND OSWALD." Mickey blushed while Oswald chuckles and pats his arm, (Y/N) took notice of Mickey's blush then she hums quietly.


Mickey sat hummed as he cooked food then he jumps as he felt a pat on his back "You do realize the old Boris isn't here right?"

He clutched his fists and stops cooking "......" Oswald sighs at this then he hugs Mickey as he tears up.

"Mickey..please don't cry....I know you loved him..and I know he loved you back.." He covers his face and his ears droop.

"Its not the same knowing he loves someone else and you obviously can't get him back...Its not fair Ozzy.." Oswald hugs him close.

  (Y/N) frowns as she listens to their conversation then she averts her eyes away "......Mickey.."

Mickey jumps a bit then he stares at you as he wipes his tears away "...What was it like...When Bendy and Boris were just ordinary toons who, didn't live here?"

He sighs softly then he close his eyes and speaks softly.


Bendy was a good ink demon who loved his brother, the two were on a quest to save everyone and fix the ink machine -hence the reason why the ink machine needs to be shut off-

Before they did, they made a lot of friends and along the way they made enemies who soon became friends with them.

But..ever since they left things have been a bit different but it wasn't so bad until the ink machine started getting out of control and it created these evil inklings including Ein and Goldie.

The toons couldn't do anything about, one reason was that they didn't know anything about it except Oswald and Mickey -if no one remembers the situation with Mickey and Oswald saving everyone-

The only chance they had left was going to the real world...


Boris stayed silent as Mickey spoke then he glanced at Ein and Goldie "So that's why they're here..."

Goldie nods and Ein sighs softly ".....Heh..So this just means our lives are nothing but wastes of space..never meant to exist.."

Goldie hugs her big sister tightly and she shakes her head "Nu! don't say that!"

Boris hugged them both then he wraps his tail around them "If it's meant to be...then it's meant to be...okay?"

The two inklings nod then they jump as they hear "We're going back to the studio tomorrow."

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