The wedding 2

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Zosia's POV

I was walking down the aisle with my arm linked with Dom's.  Behind me is Daniel and Jacob with the rings and then behind them there is Morven who is holding Jacob.

Ethan looked around first and then I saw him whisper something into Ollie's ear. I don't know what he said but it made Ollie turn around and when he did, the biggest smile appeared on his face.
I winked at him and he winked back.
Before I knew it I was at the front of the church next to Ollie.
"You look stunning" he whispered
"You scrub up alright" I joked
Ollie smirked and then our attention was diverted to the vicar, Lexi.

"Do we have the rings?" She asked
Freddie and Daniel walked up to her and gave us a cheesy grin when they went past us. They gave Ollie a high five and everyone said "aww".

Lexi said lots of prayers and blessing before saying,
"I believe you have your own vows"
"Yeah" Ollie said, blushing a bit
"Ok, in your own time" Lexi said
Me and Ollie turned to each other and began our well rehearsed vows.

"You are the love of my life" Ollie started
"Your the missing half that makes me whole"
"And today I ask you to be my wife"
"And you to be my husband" "My strength"
"My rock"
"For the rest of our lives" we both said as we held hands.
"I promise our lives with be filled with laughter and love" Ollie said
"And make memories that last forever"
"I will be loyal to you"
"I will cherish and adore you"
"I will help you achieve your dreams"
"I will help you pursue your hearts desires"
"I will laugh with you"
"And cry with you"
"For you I will be the best possible version of myself"
"For you I will be the best possible version of myself" I repeated
"Everyday" we said in unison again,
"As your husband"
"And as your wife"
We put the rings on each other's fingers and there was a short pause before Lexi announced,
"You may kiss the bride"

Ollie smirked and then leaned in for a kiss. I put my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist and we hugged for a bit. I could see Freddie and Daniel saying "yuck!" and Dom laughing at them. The church filled with applause and cheers.

Ollie's POV

I can't believe it, I'm married!
When the applause died down I said
"There will be a party starting at 5pm at the village hall if you all want to come along."
"Dom and Ethan you better have got those speeches done!" Zosia joked
They looked at each other and laughed and there were a few laughs around the church as well.
"See you then!" I said
I lifted Zosia bridal style and carried her to the car that was going to take us and the kids back to the hotel for a couple of hours.

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