My universe

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Ollie's POV

The kids are now at school and I am now driving myself and Zosia to Holby.
We pull into the car park and find a space. Zosia goes to unbuckle her seatbelt when I catch her hand.
"Promise me your alright"
"I'm fine"
I gave her a look that was saying I don't believe you but she just ignored me and got out of the car.
Zosia went to check on Arthur who has been moved to Keller because of the lack of beds. I'm going to the locker room to get into my scrubs. I sit down for one moment when Zosia comes in.
"How is he?" I ask
"Holding on"
"How are you?"
"Holding on" Zosia repeated

We walked out of the changing room and got to our patient.
"Cathy, this is Dr Valentine and Dr March. Ollie, Zosia, this is Cathy Godard. Waiting for a heart transplant, I think you two can scrub in. The heart will be here soon so you should get prepped" Matteo said without stopping for a breath
"Sure" we said

After theatre

"Well done Zosia" I said
"And well done to you too"
"We make a good team, us"
"Yeah, we aren't that bad" Zosia joked

We got back to work, Zosia was filing reports on the computer and I was dealing with a patient.
"So Mr Jacobs, I have your results and you are free to go, the pain in your chest was because of your broken rib and not a heart attack."
As I was walking out I heard Jac calling for me
I ran out to see what she wanted.
"It's Zosia, she's ran away"

Zosia's POV

Dom rang me up in tears.
"He's gone"
I hung up the phone and just collapsed to the floor and Jac came to my level to comfort me.
I'm a rubbish friend. I wasn't there for him. I ran away, I need to go.

Ollie's POV

"What happened?" I questioned
"Arthur" Jac said frowning
"No no no! Where is she?"
"Maybe the roof?"

I'm running up the stairs because it's quicker than the lift. What has she done? What is she doing? I burst through the door to the roof and saw Zosia stood at the other side of the railings, looking down from the edge.
"Leave me"
"Zosia you know I can't do that"
I got closer to her.
"Zosia come here"
"I can't lose you. I love you! The boys love you. Everyone loves you. I know I was a jerk in the past and I know I don't deserve you but please Zosia. I begging you, come this side of the railings" tears came down my cheeks.
She climbed back towards me and I breathed a sigh of relief. I got her hand and she collapsed into my arms, I sat down and I was comforting her.
"I'm a rubbish friend Ollie, I don't deserve you"
"You, miss. Are my world, my universe! I want you, and so do the boys."
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be, even if you did nearly give me a heart attack seeing you there. I love you"
"I love you too"
"Come on, let's get you home"

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