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Ollie's POV

Zosia opened the front door and pushed me in.
"SURPRISE!" Dom, Daniel and Freddie shouted
There was balloons everywhere and they had put the sofa bed out.
"Hey boys!" I croaked. They ran up to me and leaped into my arms. I felt a tear roll down my face. They got off of me and Dom brought Jacob over.
"This one is a miracle child! Hasn't cried or grumbled, just smiles!" Dom giggled
"You don't take after your mother then" I joked
Zosia smacked me on the shoulder but I just grinned at her.
"Love you!" I said
"I love you too" Zosia said and winked
"Oh you two please! Get a room!" Dom joked as he left the room
"This is their room now" Daniel piped up
"Yeah until Daddy gets out of his wheelchair" Freddie said in a half giggly half concerned tone.

"Dom!" I called. He came back into the living room.
"Go get us all a McDonald's" I said. The boys cheered and Dom's eyes lit up.
"I have been dying for a big Mc!" Dom said as he flew out of the door which made Zosia laugh
"The things that kid would do for McDonald's!" She laughed

We had our McDonald's and watched TV for the rest of the evening. All four boys are in bed and me and Zosia are laying down on the sofa bed.
"The house is still a bit bare" I said
"Yeah...we don't have any pictures on the wall or anything like that" Zosia said
"You know what, I will organise all of us to go to a photography studio and have some professional pics taken. As a present for all of you for looking after me." I said
"You don't have to do that Ollie" Zosia ruffled my hair
"Please" I insisted
"Ok. I love you" Zosia kissed me on the forehead
"I love you too. Which reminds me, wedding."
"I'm going to organise that, you just sit back."
"Ok, goodnight Zosia"
"Night Ollie"

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