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Ollie's POV

I'm driving back home going through the city. I love the city at night, it's so romantic. It's a shame Zosia has fallen asleep.

I get home and carry Zosia out of the car and up to bed. I then go downstairs to talk to the boys about Arthur.
"Hey lads" I said
I nodded at Dom and he beckoned the boys to dig on the sofa.
"You know Uncle Arthur was ill?" Dom asked
"Yeah..." Freddie said
"Well today he died" I said
"Is he with God now?"
"Yes, he is an angel in the sky watching what your doing" Dom explained
"What was wrong?" Freddie asked
"He had cancer" I said. I know that the boys know what that means so I didn't explain it.
"Ok?" Dom asked them
There were a few tears after that but a cuddle fixed it.
"You two need to go to bed now, be quiet though, mum's in bed"
"Ok" they whispered

I went up to check on them and the boys were fast asleep in their beds. Well, Daniel was half on his bed and half off. I rolled him over and went to see Zosia.

I opened the door and poked my head through the gap.
"Ollie!" Zosia called in tears
"It's ok, I'm here. I'm here" I went up to her and hugged her. She buried her head in my shoulder. I stayed with her until she fell asleep again. I put the duvet over her and put a lock of her head behind her ear.

I went downstairs to say goodnight to Dom to see him staring at his phone, obviously crying.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm not going to lie Ollie, I'm not ok. I think I'm destined to be forever alone"
"I know what it's like, ok. You have Zosia and me...and the boys. We will always be here for you."
"Thank you Ollie" he said while standing up
"I'm going to bed, if you need anything. You know what to do."
He gave me a hug.
"Goodnight" I said

I went back upstairs and tried to creep into bed without disturbing Zosia.

Zosia's POV

I can see Ollie tip toeing around the room. I have been up for a bit now.
"Ow!" Ollie cried
"You idiot!" I laughed
"Oh so you are awake! I could've put the light on so I could see your random shoe"
"Hahaha" I laughed again
"It's not funny" he laughed
"Come on, get into bed"
He did and I cuddled up to him. His arm went around me forming a protective barrier between me and all of my worries.
"Goodnight" Ollie said
"Love you"
"I love you too"

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