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Zosia's POV

The boys have already left to go suit shopping and I'm just waiting for Morven. She said she would come with me and I'm going to give her the news today, I want her to be my maid of honour. Morven said she would be here by 10:30 but it's 10:40 now.
As I look up at the clock again there is a knock at the door.
"I'm so sorry I'm late Zosia, the traffic in the city was terrible!" She frowned
"It's fine, I was quite enjoying the peace of not having a house full of testosterone" I laughed
Morven giggled and then said
"Come on! Let's get going"
"Wait, Morven, there's something I need to tell you"
"Your not pregnant?"
"No!" We laughed
"What is it then?"
"Will you be my maid of honour?" I smirked
"Err, yes! Of course I would!!" She squealed

We piled into the car and drove to town.

Ollie's POV

"Freddie stop that" I groaned
"Yes Daniel?"
"Are we going to be matching?" He questioned
"The plan is that we have the same blue suits but different coloured ties"
"I want red" Daniel shouted
"I dibs green!" Freddie exclaimed
"Ok, ok. I'm having blue" I said. Me and Zosia already said that we would have blue details on our outfits.
"I will have purple" Dom said
"Jacob could have yellow!" Freddie said
"I will go for a different shade of blue" Ethan said
Poor Ethan, he doesn't have kids so he is a bit shocked to have two seven year olds and a baby creating carnage.

Zosia's POV

I have picked out a few dresses to try on. The first one is long and stylish, the second one is traditional and the third is just one that caught my eye.
I tried them all on but they didn't feel right, Morven's already found one and she looks stunning in it.
Then in the corner of my eye I saw the one. It was white with blue details and a blue stripe on the bottom. It was perfect.
I tried it one and I felt amazing, I then went out to show Morven.
"Taa-daa!" I exclaimed
"Zosia March! You look absolutely gorgeous!" Morven squealed whist clapping her hands.

I bought the dress and then went home.

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