Chapter 29

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It's been five months since I kissed Josh and sadly I kissed him everyday my feelings for have been growing ever since they are so big now that everytime I see him kissing Kitty my eyes well up with tears and he has the same reaction when I kiss Jack maybe he's right maybe what we're doing is right and we're just with the wrong people my thoughts were interrupted when I heard a soft knock on my door I said come in seeing Jack and Josh in my room catching me off guard.

''Hey guys how's everything?'' I asked them shocked but playing it cool Jack pecked my lips before plopping down on my bed on his stomach sighing I smacked his butt while Josh sat infront of me smiling at me while resting his hand on my innerthigh making me smile and bite my lip he was leaning in and so was I until Jack farted loudly.


''Ugh! What did you two come to do here anyway?'' I groaned laying on my back next to Jack.

''Jessa is calling for you.'' I got off my bed seeing Jack passed out making me chuckle and shake my head I walked out of my room closing it behind me with Josh standing next to me he gently pinned me against the stairrailing kissing my lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

''Alexa Jessa is ca-OH MY GOD!'' Blue squeaked making Josh and I jump appart making me almost fall off the railing but he pulled me back towards him.

''What the fuck?! Josh I knew you liked her but I didn't know you were going to make a move on her!'' Blue said shocked but smiling while walking towards us making Josh blush and scratch the back of his neck.

''Anyways Alexa Jessa is calling for you.'' I nodded before walking around her towards Jessa's room opening and closing it behind me seeing her standing in her wedding dress.

''Can you help me zip up the back of the dress it's kinda hard with a babybump ya know.'' She smiled while carressing her big babybump making me giggle and say sure I walked towards her grabbing the zipper of her dress zipping her up when I was done she looked at her reflection in the mirror spinning a little bit as I just had a huge guilt feeling in my heart she noticed my  facial expression turning around placing her hands on my shoulder asking me if I'm alright.

''Well tell me whatsup sweetie.''

''Jessa, what would you do if you liked two guys?'' I asked her walking towards her bed falling on my back making her chuckle.

''Well I wouldn't fall hard for Josh like you did and I wouldn't fall for Jack like you did so that's sure.'' She chuckled sitting next to me my head snapped up looking at her with wide eyes.

''YOU KNEW?!''

*chuckles* Everyone knew sweetie they knew from the minute you walked in the door Josh pretended like he hated you but he never did Jack and Kitty even made a bet to see who would say it first that you two are together.'' Jessa chuckled while stroking her babybump.

''A-are they angry?''

''Nooooo sweetie ofcourse not Jack and Kitty would never be angry at you they even said it's not a surprise that you and Josh like each other they always say opposits attract the most.'' She smiled while placing her hand on my shoulder I thanked her and ran out of my room to the gamingroom seeing Jack and Kitty playing mariokart against each other while Josh was scrolling on his phone making me smile I walked towards the tv standing infront of it with my hands on my hips.

''ALEXA MOVE YOU'RE BLOCKING THE SCREEN I CAN'T SEE!'' Kitty pouted making me chuckle.

''He placed the bet on my name?'' I asked catching their attention seeing their eyes widened Josh gave me a 'what the fuck are you doing?' look I saw Kitty raising her hand in the air with a small nervous smile.

''Kitty you won Jack you lost.'' I chuckled.


''WOOHOO GIMME MA MONEY BOI!'' She pointed at him while dancing on the couch Josh got off the couch walking towards me asking me what's going on.

''They knew you and I were together and liked each other they made a bet to see who would say it first.''

''Oooohhh, so no hard feelings that we're breaking up Kitty?''

''You're not angry at me Jack?'' Josh and I asked making them both laugh and shake their head no making me squeal in happiness and jump in Josh's arms kissing his lips hearing Jack groan while giving his money to Kitty making her kiss his lips making Josh and I look at her shocked.

''What? I like him.'' She said smiling her dimples making us all laugh Jack wrapped his arms around Kitty's waist while Josh still held me in his arms seems like everything is okay in my love life and I wouldn't want to change for a bit.

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