Chapter 47: Twats

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Annabelle POV

She thinks she has actually gotten away with it. I can't believe her. Oh, how I loved seeing her in pain. All bruised up, cuts and grazes on her skin. Let's see how Nikolas can touch her without hurting her. Bitch.

We're at the police station, we've been here for a day already and I despise it. Why hasn't my dad bailed us out? Maybe I can't be bailed out, because I did such a bad crime.

Daniel is in the cell next to me.

What I don't understand is how Nikolas and his friends found out the place where we were hiding her. It's on the outskirts of the city, so how did he find out?

"Hey, Miss! We're takin' you in to be questioned, a'right? Come with us."

The stubby police officer calls me, motioning me over to the desk. He hastily locks the handcuffs on my wrists and pushes me towards the room.

"Why are you questioning me? That bitch is near to her death so you should be focusing on her funeral."

The stubby police man raises his eyebrows,"You have the right to remain silent, Miss. If you have trouble doin' that then I'm afraid we're gonna have to lengthen your sentence."'s best to keep my mouth shut. I keep quiet and continue walking down the corridor to the questioning room. The men in the cells were gripping the metal bars tightly with large grins on their faces. Animals.

The officer opens the door for me and shoves forward towards a steel chair. Another man in a suit sits down opposite me, a table between the both of us. He straightens his tie and lays a clipboard on the table with a few papers attached to it.

"So, Miss Annabelle Perkins. Daughter to the famous business leader. In jail for kidnapping a woman and beating her...what the fuck?"

He stares at me questioning eyes, his glare stable.

"I hate the bitch. She was the closest thing to Nikolas Taptiklis so what else was I going to do? Obviously kidnap her!"

The man creases his eyebrows in utter confusion,"Why exactly did you do this?"

I sigh, as if I have already told this story a hundred times.

"I was trying to hurt Nikolas Taptiklis because we have always had problems. He's the best businessman in the dad doesn't like him. We killed his mom when he was younger so he could give up the company but he didn't. So now we are just trying to kill him off slowly."

The man in the suit shakes his head, disbelief evident in his eyes.

"Seriously? Just over a business rival? You hurt what's close to him, especially a girl. I am not even going to ask, actually."

The man rises from his chair and demands,"Take her back to her cell. Enjoy jail."

The fat police officer grabs my arm and pulls me off the chair. He leads me back to my cell and turns to Daniel.

"Now it's your turn, Mister."

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Nikolas POV

The doctors say she needs rest. So she can heal. The bruises are now a bluish colour and her cuts are all closing up, though her stamina isn't the best. She can hardly move without hurting. I was thinking of putting her in a wheelchair and taking her home...but she needs to lie down and rest. It's best for her.

"Hey, Bestie! How you feeling?"

David comes bouncing into the ward. A box of Belgian chocolate in his hands.

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