Chapter 40: Broken

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Nikolas POV

She has no clue what she is fucking doing to me. She is a walking radiator, emitting all her emotions everywhere she goes, that's why she's so easy to read. That's why she's such a kind-hearted woman, she just can't help it. Bells isn't easily manipulated though, she has a conscience of an independent adult, albeit she makes mistakes. But we're only human.

There she sits, sobbing, using her knees as my replacement. And I can't do nothing but sit here and listen to her broken heart screaming at me. She is right when saying that I should be ashamed of myself, because it's my job to give her shelter and comfort, but tonight, I failed to do so.

All because of one selfish woman. She knew this was coming, that's why she did this, that's why she wanted Bells' number. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't the CEO of Taptiklis Industries. Sometimes I wish I could have a simple life, like a normal man.
But God knows what's best for me, he chose me to do this, so I'm going to put up with it.

" Isabella? You sleep upstairs, I'll sleep on the couch. Goodnight."

My voice crackles as I speak, reflecting the stabs that my heart is encountering. Bells doesn't know how much her state is affecting me, she thinks that I don't feel a hint of remorse. When in fact, my whole body is drowning in guilt, so far down the pool of guilt, it's almost impossible to climb back out.

Not a mumble escapes her mouth, she just obeys me by walking upstairs slowly, her footsteps in deep thought, like her conscience. She can't hide her true emotions, especially in front of me, she chooses the right thing to do. I can sense that it's going to be a long night without her with me, she'll feel the loss too, just as much as I am. It's impossible for the both of us not to feel empty when we're not breathing the same oxygen, let alone the same room. Oh God, what am I going to say to her tomorrow?

To be honest, I don't think she'll even want to talk to you. That's true. There is no point me hoping that she is going to talk to me, she might not even glance at me for God's sake.

It's like my worst nightmare is turning into reality...

《《《《 PAGE BREAK 》》》》

Nikolas POV

The burning liquid erodes my throat away, my brain recognising its fiery texture. The taste was unfamiliar at first, but I'm on my third bottle now, and it doesn't seem to be too much at all. It's been quite a few months since I've had alcohol, and I must say, it tastes refreshing. Like a tide washing over my overcharged brain.

" Mr.Taptiklis, aren't you going to stop? I think you're getting a little tipsy now."

Annabelle remarks with a snorty laugh, which is extremely unattractive. Her eyes cautiously glance at the bottles of death which stand confidently on my desk. She doesn't seem too surprised that I am drinking excessively in an office, she probably has so much experience from those slutty clubs that she attends on Friday nights.

" Y-You...don't tell m-me when I'm g-getting tipsy, w-woman. S-Stay out o-of my l-life."

I know I am a little out of shape, but I don't need a desperate woman to tell me about my state. I just need my refreshing oxygen. Bells. The only woman who can restore my broken happiness. She didn't speak to me at all in the morning, she went out to the coffee shop instead of sharing breakfast with me. She ordered a taxi instead of driving to work with me.

She isn't doing anything with me. She's cutting all of our strings that were once attached. All because of my stupidity. All because of one night. I didn't forget about her, but she didn't linger in my mind either because the business deal clouded my mind, so I was in the wrong. I could have shortened that meeting, but I decided not to like an idiot that I am.

《《《《 PAGE BREAK 》》》》

Isabella POV

It's break time now. I've finished most of my work, but I have a few more documents to make note of. I've been thinking about Nikolas for these last few minutes. Nikolas isn't going to pass by, I have been avoiding him this morning, he doesn't want to feel rejected again, so I don't think he's coming to find me. It's best for him to stay where he is anyway, because I am going to meet him.

" Right, I'm going to talk to the boss, I won't be long."

I inform my colleagues as I set off for his awaiting office. Every step I take towards his room, multiple shocks of electricity sprint through my veins, reminding me of the feeling he gives me when he is in my presence. Every step I take towards his room makes me yearn for him even more than I already am. Every step I take towards his room causes my heart to knock against my ribs, increasing my quivering stack of fear.

"! "

Nikolas' voice shakes. He usually sounds confident, intimidating and strong, but this time it is quite the opposite. Weak and vulnerable. Annabelle's facial features are covered in surprise and disgust, the combination of the two causes her face to look more unpleasant than it normally is. Her head turns in Nikolas' direction, and so I do the same, only to see the worst site possible. Nikolas slumped lazily in his leather seat, surrounded by half-broken alcohol bottles.

Shards of shattered glass sparsely blanket his desk, causing his office to look like a complete dump. Nikolas' eyes are a deep, stinging red, no longer a fraction of tranquility left swimming in his irises.

" N-Nick? What the hell happened here?! "

The words involuntarily escape my lips, my brain unable to function with such a horrid scene in front of me. My blood rapidly courses through my bursting veins, trying to keep up with the increasing acceleration of my heart.

" What are you doing here, ex-secretary? You don't work here anymore."

Annabelle's nail-scratching voice pierces the still air, which almost cracks my ear drums. A look of disgust plasters itself on my features, causing my face to contort in response to Annabelle's voice.

" It doesn't matter whether I work here or not, Miss Fuckins, I can still see the CEO of this place."

Annabelle scoffs with a devious grin on her inflated lips. She twists around and flicks her hair, like she is modelling, but her high heels deceive her. She stumbles a little, nearly falling to the floor, but she managed to remain as a standing bimbo. A giggle escapes my mouth before I can stop it, but it doesn't matter because she instantly exits the room with an embarrassed look on her face.

" B-Bells...? I-Is it really you? " His wavering voice causes my heart to shake ever so lightly.

Although he is only drunk and nothing bad has happened to him, it still hurts me that he is in this state. I don't even know if I am the cause of his alcohol, if so, then there is going to be no end for my guilt.

" Yes, Nikolas, it is. Why are you drinking? You have a business to run."

My question doesn't seem to affect him because he just groans in reply. As if he doesn't care about his business. What does he care about? What will make him realise that drinking isn't good? What does he love?

" I don't c-care, I-I only care about you. I-I only love you, n-not"

H-He's drunk...of course he doesn't mean it. I mean, he can't love me that quickly, can he...? When he's sober, he will forget about what he said. He doesn't love me, he doesn't know what he's saying....he's drunk! Christ's sake, he's drunk!

" And if you're thinking that I am completely drunk, I'm not, I can control what I am saying when I am drunk. I'm a man, but I can't ever control my love for you. Even when I'm sober. Isabella Williamson, I fucking love you."

And my heart comes to a halting stop.


☆ M.B.B ☆

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