Looking up, I saw Alec looking at me with a serious look. I couldn't help it and bursted out laughing.

Alec huffed and crossed his arm still glaring at the pack of cookies. I was giggling continuously as I stood from my seat and wrapped my arms around his waist.

He immediately hugged me back before ducking down to start open kisses on my neck.

I let out a gasp of surprise. The hard edge of the table dug lightly into my lower back as he pressed closer to me.

"Alec," I breathed out, fisting his shirt tightly on my hand.

"You're mine," He growled out, before giving me a final kiss on the forehead.

I rolled my eyes as I caught my breath,"Technically, we aren't dating and FWB aren't really my thing." I joked, taking a seat.

He took a plate himself and stacked his own pancakes,"FWB?" He asked, taking a bite from his pancakes.

"Friends with benefits, silly." I mused, taking a bite from my pancake.

I let out a small sigh as Alec's cooking invaded my taste buds. One thing I learnt from Alec is he absolutely has the skills of chef when it comes to cooking.

We were happily eating in silence when Alec's phone rang.

He gave me a glance before standing up and saying,"I need to take this." He said, before walking out.

I didn't think it too much and instead continued eating. After a few moments, he came back.

"Who was it?" I asked, taking a gulp of my orange juice.

Alec brows were furrowed,"I'm sorry, I got a call from mom and I need to be home." He said, a look of worry on his face.

I stopped eating,"Is she okay?" I asked, concern lacing through me.

Alec's mom and I have been getting really close eversince the incident. We go bond sometimes and even, she and mom goes on a girls night once in a week.

"She's okay love but I have to go. I'll see you later okay?" He said, giving me a kiss on the forehead and with that, he was gone.

My mood pummeled, one thing that has been going through my mind was
Alec is hiding something this past few days.

We would hang out and he would suddenly recieve a call from his 'mom' and make an excuse to go home.

One thing, I knew for sure was that his 'mom' wasn't on the phone and he wasn't going home because I personally went to see Celia to ask her and found out that her phone got broken and she didn't have the time to buy a new one yet.

Any girl would probably march up on him and confront him or worse, accuse him of cheating but not me though, I have my doubts but I trust him enough to know he is not cheating. Although, I'm not gonna lie and all but the curiousity was burning in me on who the caller on the other end is.

Probably a beautiful girl with a nice british accent and a smoking hot body? I mean, Look at yourself! You're like a potato!

I slammed the glass down on the table, one thing I hate about this is my pessimistic thoughts.

I almost gasped when I remembered something.

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