04| Every emotion potray a feeling, even a silence

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A simple smile can hide
a numerous atrocities
behind it and
just like it
a crying face
can reveal all the
happenings in ones life.

Each phase of life
is beautiful
your emotions
potray the phase
you are
living into.

Don't just carry
your emotions,
take time
to know
the causes
the consequences
behind it.

A funny emotion
can make
you feel
a sad emotion
empty the things,
a happy emotion
can fill
the emptiness,
an angry
the filled space.

Life is full of
all such emotions,
further life is a circle
revolving around
such emotion.

One laugh,
one cry,
another make fun,
others become angry
and so on.

A message without an emoticon seems less influencing than with an emoticon.
Same is with life, it is tasteless without feelings decorated with the cream and cherry of emotions.

But inspite all such strong expression of feelings by emotions sometimes a silence can potray the best feeling.

A silence in the chaos

A silence in the happiness

A silence of the success

A silence of focus

A silence of attachment

A silence of detachment

A silence of forgiveness

A silence of revenge

A silence of sacrifice

A silence of betrayal

A silence of thousand of thoughts

"Thoughts of your feelings"

"Feelings potrayed by emotions"

"Emotions of your life"

"Life which is a journey"

"Journey towards an end"

"End which perhaps is a silence"

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-Richa Agarwal

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