'Do you know how worried I was about you? When Yugyeom called, I left the meeting immediately and came searching for you. I was so so scared.. ' his voice barely a whisper against the sounds of the wind and rain. 'Please don't do that ever again.'

He looked at me, waiting for my answer. I only nodded as I stared at him, feeling guilty for worrying the both of them. He had a warm smile on his face, despite the fact that his features plainly showed that he had been crying as well. He took off his coat and draped it around me. 'Let's go home,' he said as he pulled me closer under the umbrella, leading me towards his car.

As we got inside, he turned on the warmth after making sure I had no injuries before he drove off towards my place. Throughout the ride, I remained quiet, still too numb to form any comprehensible words. My thoughts were jumbled and I'm sure I needed to sleep it off before I could talk to anybody again. Time, I kept telling myself, that's all I needed.

We reached home in half an hour,the sky still not letting up, but probably taking a course for the worse as the harsh winds howled and hailstones were pelted against the windows. When we entered the apartment, I moved to switch on the lights but even the powerlines were cut off. So I went to get the candles from the kitchen and Jinyoung helped to light them while I searched my closet for warm clothes for the both of us.

'Here. These aren't much but I think they might fit you.' I said quietly as I handed him the clothes I ordered a few months ago which were too oversized for my tiny frame. He had a thoughtful glint in his eyes and I was about to leave for the bathroom when he pulled me back, wrapping me in his arms. I tried to back away since I was fully soaked,not wanting to get water on his expensive attire but he only held on to me even tighter.

'Riannon, I can't even begin to explain to you how scared I was earlier. I don't want anything bad to ever happen to you.' He spoke as he ran his fingers through my wet hair, the action making me nervous as I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

'I'm okay Jinyoung. You don't need to worry at all,' I replied back in a shaky voice.

'But I do. All the time. Riannon,' He looked at me, determination burning in his intense gaze, 'I can't help the feelings I have for you.' My eyes shot wide open as I heard these words.

'I.. you know I can't. You are an amazing person but I'm.. well.. I'm just really screwed up right now,' I said weakly as I tried to look anywhere else but him.

'I know. And I also know this is so wrong but I can't help myself from being selfish just this once. I can't help myself from wanting something I've been waiting all my life for.' He lifted my chin up, his lips drawing nearer, I was so clouded by pain and hurt that I didn't know how to react, but I did know that I didn't want to break Jinyoung's heart nor drag him into something which would only end in more devastating consequences.

'Jinyoung..no.. I don't wanna hurt you.. you can't-' whatever I was going to say was caught in my throat as he silenced me with a kiss. He pulled back slightly, only to whisper against my lips, 'I understand.. but I'm already in love with you Riannon, If it hurts, let it. I did it to myself.' He bent down and softly placed his lips on me again,his hands encircling my hips as I let my body melt to his touch.

I couldn't comprehend what was happening, my heart broken and my mind,a total chaos. I thought I was doing better but something or the other always took me back right to square one. I was so lost, and I didn't even know how to find my way back again. I didn't understand anything anymore but I just let the moment happen..

As I kissed him back, a single tear trickled down my cheek, my broken heart crying out in agony.

Why ..Why does it always have to hurt?

Author's note: Took me quite a long time to write this between my busy schedule but I hope you like it. Do leave your comments. ❤

PS: Monsta x's new song is so good! And did anyone see their teaser for 'Beautiful- japanese version'? They're killing it! And not to mention me as well.

Your daily gifs.. since it's a double update, double the Jaebum. ;)


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