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I woke up and got ready for the day then headed out to the kitchen to greet my friends and team. Since I left the scouts, I came back to the underground. I met four people my age. Three girls and one boy. Their name are Ezi, we call her Ez for short, Katelyn, Lyla, and Conner. Ezi has long black hair that comes down to her waist, she has light blue eyes, and she's my height. Katelyn has long ginger colored hair and always keeps it in a ponytail, she has grey eyes and is about 65inches taller then me. Lyla has long green hair that goes below her waist and has greenish-blue eyes and is about one inch taller than me. Conner has messy black hair and brown eyes and is 5'8, which is 6 inches taller than me.

We all have complicated backgrounds. None of us have parents. They were all killed that is except for Conner, he never knew his father. I found them one by one and befriended them, then we found an abandoned home and fixed it up. With me now being 22, I'm the eldest of the group. Conner and Ezi are 21, Lyla is nineteen, and Katelyn is 16, the youngest.

I entered the kitchen to find everyone buy Conner at the table eating some bread that we stole yesterday and drinking milk, which we also stole. "Where's Conner?" I asked.

"Probably still asleep" replied Ezi.

"Thanks Ez, that I'm going to wake that lazy ass up so he can eat before we leave." I headed to his room and knocked on the door a few times but I didn't get a response so I twisted the door knob then kicked the door open. "WAKEUP LAZY ASS". He jumped up and fell of the bed.

"Owww" he wined.

"Get up and come get food before we head out". I walked out to the kitchen and ate while we waited for Conner. He finally came in and had a small bump on his forehead that was black and blue from the fall. Ez started laughing. As much as the me one year ago would have laughed, I just could't laugh. I didn't feel amused. I've changed. I don't laugh at all or get happy. I'm just emotionless. But I do care about the four of them, a lot.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want, but this really hurts you know."

"(N/N), why are you so emotionless, he looks really hurt" stated Lyla. But she got a kick from Katelyn.

"Lyla! You know what happened to (N/N) before she came here!"

"Oh (Y/N), I-I'm s-sorry". I just 'tch'ed in response.

"Whatever, but Conner the next time don't make me have to wake you up". We ate and talked before we headed out. I was the strongest of the group and they made me the leader, but I don't like them calling me that. I had on black jeans with a black tank top, a black bandana that covers the bottom half of my face, black fingerless gloves, black boots, and the black cape that Levi had given me all those years ago. I did't want to keep it at first, but it was the only thing that I had to remind me of Isabel and Farlan. I changed it up though. Now the front piece covers my torso and it has a small collar by the neck.


I put my hair in the cape and let two pieces stay out

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I put my hair in the cape and let two pieces stay out. We headed out and used the 3DMG that we found, which was weird, to travel above the buildings.

"Listen to me, if we have to kill anyone leave that to me. I don't want any of you to have to deal with that." They knew better than to argue with me, so they agreed. We soon managed to steal a few pieces of bread and a few bottles of water and milk. Lyla, and Katelyn were carrying the stuff while Conner, Ezi and I were empty handed, just in case we needed to fight. And just when we were about to take off, my gas, as well as Conner and Ezi's ran out. Great, just great.

"Lyla, Katelyn, use your 3DMG and go! Carry the food then come back to get us!" The two took off and the three of us started running, with the military police behind us. But sad . for us, we ran into an empty alleyway. Just then Katelyn and Lyla came back. "Take Conner and Ez then come back for me!"

"But (N/N)-" Katelyn started buy I cut her off.

"Just go!" They nodded and carried Conner and Ezi away. I started to fight the three MP's that were chasing us. I kicked one of them in the stomach and dodged the punches that he threw. He threw another punch and I caught it, then twisted it behind him and kicked him in his head causing him to faint. As the second guy was coming at me, I noticed some members of the Scouts headed towards us. I quickly noticed two of them as Erwin and Hanji, then I noticed Levi right behind them and scowled. 'Ugh I don't want to see him'. As the second MP finally neared me, he tried to punch me but I quickly jumped into the air, causing my hood to fly off but I had my bandana on my face to cover my face, but they might recognize my face, then as i was in the air I kicked him in the head causing him to faint. 'Ha, he barely put of a fight'. I saw the shocked look on, Hanji, Levi, and Erwin's faces. I smirked slightly to myself knowing that they recognized me and were probably shocked by my actions. I then saw the third MP running to me. He was different. He put up a fight though. He managed to hit me with a few punches. But I kicked him in his ribs.

"You filthy thief! Stealing from the MP! Are you not ashamed?!" He yelled.

"No, I'm not! I do what I have to to survive and protect those I care about! All you do is sit around on your fat asses all day, you pig!"

"Your four friends should all die!" After he said those words I got seriously pissed off. So as he charged at me I took the knife out of my boot and as he punched, i moved to the side, dodging it and slit his throat, causing him to die instantly. When I turned to face the Scouts, Levi charged at me. 'Ha, he can't lay a finger on me. I am far stronger than he is. I have changes a lot in the pass year. And it's all thanks to him.' As he reached me he threw several attacks but I dodged them all, which left everyone in shock, even Erwin, Hanji and Levi himself. I took my knife and left a long cut on the side of Levi's face. That is going to sting because it wasn't a deep cut. It was fine and long, which meant it was definitely going to burn. I then noticed Lyla flying towards me using her 3DMG. So I ran forward, kicked Levi, which caused him to fall down and I ran towards the scouts. One of them tried to punch me as soon as Lyla was above me. So I jumped up and kicked his head as soon as I grabbed Lyla's hand.

We made it back and went into the house where the others were waiting. Then, the door got kicked down.

"Tch, long time no see" I said as I turned around.


Word count: 1316



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