"What's wrong with you lately?" Lyanna asked.

Brandon turned to her and then turned away. "Father was right, she shouldn't be here. She has never been to a Northern Lord's home let alone Harrenhal. I fear with our expected duties, she will be left to fend for herself."

"Ned and Benjen will be there," Lyanna pointed out understanding her brother's worries.

"Benjen will laugh as they insult him and Ned would stay silent," Brandon responded truthfully.

Hopefully, The Eyrie and Jon Ayrrn have changed him, he thought to himself.

She rolled her eyes. "They will be fine. We aren't marching to war Brandon. Besides, we should be worried about meeting our beloved betrothed."

Brandon smiled at his sister; he had always admired her wilfulness and sense of adventure. He hoped that Robert Baratheon would treat her well, honour her most of all. He had heard tales of the young man, and he reminded him too much of himself. He could not have someone like himself married to his sister; it would ruin her. Lyanna was far too beautiful to be dishonoured and married to a man who spent his time whoring and drinking from sunrise until sun fall. He imagined her cooped up in Storms End, probably trying to fling herself down from its endless towers out of pure boredom.

"Lost again in your thoughts," Lyanna interrupted. He ignored her, not wanting to put any more fear than she already had in her heart.

"We should stop here, it looks like it'll rain soon and we don't want to drag our horses and carriages through the mud. Besides I think our dear sister has had enough for one day," Lyanna continued turning back to see the mile-long stretch of horses, guards, carriages and trolleys that marched behind them. Banners of the North flapping around in the wind violently. It was time to stop; they would freeze to death with the wind.

"When did you get so good at journeys?" Brandon frowned holding up his arm. The action was followed by a blow of the horn and another in the distance and one further away. The party came to a halt; men jumped from their horses and chatter erupted.

"When did you forget I go riding almost every day?"


Riverlands – Northern Camp:

The tents had been set up and night had fallen. Supper had been served, and the majority of the camp was preparing for bed. The minority preparing for a night of drinking and well, what usually comes after drinking. Fires began to burn out in front of tents as those who occupied them settled down for the night. Arianne and Lyanna insisted on sharing a tent to spare one for anyone who needed one. One night in the same bed wouldn't kill them, besides they used to sleep together as young girls.

"That is the longest ride we've had yet," Arianne huffed. She lay, body sprawled on the bed and hair messy from her constant tugging and twirling.

"You were in a carriage baby sister," Lyanna laughed sitting down on the bed next to her.

"You did not have to talk about which way to stitch and how handsome the Prince would be for hours with the ladies of the houses. Besides they spent more time ignoring everything I said, it seems the Northern ladies have taken a certain discontent with me lately," Arianne sighed playing with her older sisters hair.

Lyanna could not help but feel her face flush red with anger. It was one thing for her to feel jealous of her sister, which was natural among siblings, but for the wives of bannermen of her father to treat their liege lord's daughter in such a way was not acceptable. She noted that she needed to talk to them in the morning. "Why didn't they talk to you?" Lyanna questioned.

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