"I don't know princess." he breathed out, his voice cracking in the end so he cleared his throat and only looked at Sam for a good few minutes. Sam who had a dissaproving look on his face that had a hint of anger in it.

"When you will be back?" she asked with a tilt of her head and clenched your jaw.

"Or if you will be back." you growled and Dean let out a shaky breath.

"(Y/n)" he pleaded for you with his eyes, taking a step closer to you and you immediately backed away. His eyes widened and his lips fell apart but he swallowed down the lump in his throat and nodded just slightly.

"No" you hissed, pursing your lips "No, you have made your decision and I can't change that, can I?" you shrugged "There is no (Y/n), now. And since you seem to want it- there is no Mary either." you knew you would reget your words really bad really soon but at the moment you were furious. He was bailing on you, what else could you feel besides betrayed?

"What?" he breathed out, an almost angry but mostly scared look on his face.

"(Y/n)" Sam said in a calm but warning voice tone.

"(Y/n) what are you talking about?" Dean looked at you dangerously, his jaw clenching.

"Just what do you think?" you asked, taking a deep breath and raising an eyebrow. You wanted to look confident but your glossy eyes told a different story.

"You chose this, Dean Winchester. You did this- you've brought this to us." you growled motioned between the four of you "You don't get to ask me why or how. It is all because of you. You want out? Fine then, fine! You can have your freedom. You can have whatever kind of life you want for whatever reason you want to, I don't give a single fu-" you bit down hard on your lip, shaking your head as you felt a new wave of tears rush to you.

"You want out? You'll have it." you breathed out "But don't expect us to be here and waiting when you regret all of it. You can leave but once you step foot out of this house you will have no right to come back ever again."

"(Y/n)-" he stared, his eyes widening in fear as, obviously and finally, realization started setting on him. He had not expected this, not even planned about this but that was what he was going to take in the end. He asked for it after all.

"No" you hissed "You chose this, now you have to deal with the consequences. If you want to leave then the door is right there for you. But forget me and above all forget Mary, you are not going to see her ever again." you growled and you knew that probably part of you was going to regret this real bad but at the moment you were a mess of emotions. You were angry, pissed beyond belief and at the same time hurt and heartbroken that the man you loved more than you ever thought you would could do something like this to you.

"What?" his voice was firm, not a hoarse weak whisper as before and you could see him get slightly angry.

"Just what you heard." you pursed your lips, cursing at yourself on the inside when a tear slipped from your eye and you wiped it away furiously "You are never going to see her again.

"You- you are going to keep me away from her?!" he almost roared and you took in a shaky breath.

"I'm not keeping you away, Dean. You are staying away. You wanted to leave? Well, just go ahead I am not going to stop you, I have a family to think about. A family in which you obviously don't belong." you never thought there would come a day when you'd utter these words but you weren't just angry with him, you couldn't even feel anything actually. It was almost like there was a hole inside your chest.

"(Y/n)" Sam's voice was almost strict, as if he was trying to make you realize the mistake you were about to make. But you knew that even if it hurt Mary at first it would be less bad than what could possibly come in any other occasion.

Picture Perfect - Dean Winchester x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant