Chapter 24- Let's be things together

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Let's be things together

I sat on a bench quietly and waited for MJ to come visualizing Tiffy's enraged face over and over again. It's nice to win once I've always lost to her and she's always loved to rub her achievements in my face right from when we were little

When we became teenagers, it was hell as our parents had the bright idea to send us to the same school. Tiffy hated that she had to be in a public school with me, she especially hated that she knew me the class reject on a personal level

She's always rubbing her party invites in my face, her friends, the sleepovers am never invited to even though I live across the street

"Here dig in" MJ announced producing a large piece of cake and two water bottles

When did he get in?

"I can't. I've probably gained about 5 pounds the last two weeks

"What's your obsession with your weight anyway, its your mother's wedding, you should gorge on cake"

"You know I wasn't always this beautiful and vain. Beauty takes consistence and discipline" I answered quietly

"Wait, back off a bit. You mean there was a nicer version of you?" MJ asked astonished

"Hilarious you should be a comedian" I joked and saw MJ roll his eyes

"Keep rolling hopefully you'll find your brain there someday"

"What were you about to say?"

"Uh?" I asked playing dumb

"You were not always so narcissistic"

Narcissistic, what a nice way to put it.

"I used to be really nice you know, eager to help, I'll let anyone copy my homework if that will give them a reason to talk to me I guess that's when people decided to walk all over me" I said softly

"We don't have to talk about it if you really don't wanna" MJ offered

"No, I want to tell you. I want to tell you how much of myself I lost wanting to be someone worthy of their attention. I didn't understand it, I still don't I mean I was fat but I said wasn't obese, and even if i was that doesn't give them a right to bully me. I don't prefer doing homework to having fun I mean, I really don't.

Am actually really fun but no one took the time to get to know me. Hell even the nerds bully me" I chuckled darkly

"It was all verbal at first, the heckling, telling me am trash, practical jokes blah blah I believed back then that maybe if I tried harder, dress better, let them cheat off me during exams there will be someone who thinks it's worth the time to get to know me

I didn't even want a guy, hell who needs boyfriends I just wanted one friend so I won't have to spend my weekends doing homework that isn't due till the next two weeks

I got a boyfriend eventually though you know. The guy Tiffy was talking about downstairs Chris McHugh, he is a jock, a part of the football team. I was super excited you know Chris likes me, over 5000 students Chris McHugh chose me the school's misfit

Who cares that he doesn't eat lunch with me, who cares that his teammates bully me, who cares that he doesn't defend me. The fact that Chris thinks am good enough to date, that's good enough for me and if it isn't, then oh well. But Tiffy took delight in telling me that it was all a bet Chris didn't like me after all, it was all a bet to see how fast I'll fall for him and my own cousin was in on it. I remember I used to taunt her that Chris was my boyfriend not hers, no wonder she laughs at me. At the end, I was only worth $550."

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