Chapter 3 - Are you in love with me?

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Hi guys, am really really really really sorry for not updating for this long but I had to deal with some really heartbreaking stuffs and I couldn't bring myself to write anything I was partially depressed but I hope that can change now since I've taken hold of myself again and updating is really a good medium to get myself. Thank you for understanding Anywho, here's a long update for you cos I love you more and cos I need you to forgive me ( cue the long ass crying)

Are you in love with me?

"Do you know him from somewhere?" Diana asked me after we went away from the Emerald twins cos of the bell

"Not really" I replied

"Sounded like he knew you. He called you tree girl, how sweet is that? You guys are already in the nickname basis" Diana cooed

"Until today, i didn't even know his name"  I replied

" where is your schedule? Let's see if we have any classes together" Diana said switching mood

I gave her my schedule while unlocking my locker. The woman in the admissions office gave me the combination

" oh look, we only have third period English together"

" oh, what do I have now?"


The one minute bell rang and everyone started leaving the hall.

" I guess I'll see you later then" I said to Diana taking my biology textbook from the locker.

"Yeah bye" Diana replied flicking her long hair.

I watched Diana leave before I remembered I have no way of going to biology on my own.

I hate being the centre of attraction, everyone looking at me. It makes me cringe and sometimes I do something really stupid like trip on my own feet or mash up my words. So, you can understand how I felt when I entered into the biology class, it didn't help that I was like the last person to enter the class at all. The whole class stared at me as I shuffled to an empty seat at the middle of the class.

"Ah, it's the new student. You are actually 2 minutes late and we don't tolerate late coming in this  class" the balding middle age teacher said consulting his watch to check the time.

" I didn't know my way here sir" I sure as hell won't apologize for something am not really guilty of.

"What's your name?" The teacher asked

"Loretta" I replied shuffling I wanted nothing more than to be out of sight

" Would you like to come forward to talk about yourself to the class?"

" No, not really"

"Okay, suit yourself am Mr Harris your biology teacher" the teacher said to me already turning to the chalkboard.

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