Chapter 13- Operation 'Make MJ fall for me' is a go

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Grant Gustin as MJ

Operation 'Make MJ fall for me' is a go

"Okay, so I was thinking maybe the both of you will like to go camping with MJ and I during the spring break" Bella said to me and Lucas closing her eyes.

We were at her house in the pool side. Bella and I are on the lounge chair resting while Lucas is in the pool.

"I would love to" I answered sleepily

"Good. Klaus will be there and I'll need all the girl power I can get if am going to tell Klaus how I really feel about him"

I shot out of my chair surprised

"Really? Like seriously?"

"If the right opportunity present itself I will"

"What are you guys talking about?"
Luke asked swimming towards us dripping wet and looking absolutely yummy too bad he doesn't bat for my team

"Bella is going to tell Klaus how she feels about him during the camping trip"

"Oh. Wait, what camping trip?"

"Oh right. Will you be going camping with us during the spring break"

"Camping? Like tents and sleeping on the floor?" He asked horrified

"Not quite. Do I look like someone who will sleep on the floor?"

"So then what's the camping all about?"

"Just a cabin in the middle of no where. MJ, Klaus, Cassie and I go every spring break" Bella said

"Sure I'd like to come" Luke replied diving back into the pool.

"This will be the perfect time to show MJ you can be the perfect girlfriend."

I can't say I was surprised my mum gave me permission to go with Bella to the cabin since Lucas will be there and mum is all for being friends with Lucas. I was packing my things for the trip and my mum is helping me though it's more like she's hindering me

"Are you sure you should take that many clothes I mean its only for 2 weeks" she said

"Mum" I groaned

"Sorry, sorry but did you pack enough sunscreen?"

"Yes mum I did it was the first thing packed. Gosh"

"Really Lori where are the rest of this dress?" Mum asked raising the red gown Bella suggested I wear on my movie date with MJ.

"It's not mine. The dress is for Bella" I answered pinching my nose

"Fine then. So you and Lucas are bffs now?"

"I like him, he's nice. Do you know he's gay?" I asked before I could stop myself but really, if mum is going to marry his dad, she has to learn to accept him warts and all.

"He is? Oh" she replied quietly

"Is that a good 'oh' or what?"

"I don't understand what you mean but I like Lucas he's a good boy and I don't think his sexuality is going to make me like him any less"

"That's great mum am glad you think that way what with Dorian wanting to propose and all" I said absent mindedly zipping my bag completely forgetting that my mum might not know about that.

"Dorian is what?" She asked

"Uhm. Forget I said anything" I said quickly face palming mentally

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