Chapter 3

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I felt strong muscular arms wrap around my body and lift me up. "its alrite rubes go back too sleep" Zayn said in a soothing voice. As he put me down in what im guessing is my bed he turned to walk away.

"No" i said grabbing his hand "Stay?" i said as he moved the covers sliding into my bed. I cuddeled up too him as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. 

"Night Rubes" He said resting his chin on the top of my head. I smiled, " Night Malik" and then i drifted off into sleep.


I woke too see I was alone. Zayn must already be up. I groaned as i dragged my body, still in my clothes from yesterday, too the bathroom. I stepped into the cold shower letting the water wash over my face and run throught my hair. Once i had finished i stepped out wrapping my self up in a towel and running across the hallway into my room.I looked into my case, man i need some new clothes all i ahve are a few pairs or jeans two pairs of shorts one summer dress and some tees. I quickly changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a purple superdry before pulling my curly brown hair into a messy bun and applying some foundation and light mascara with a touch of eyeliner. Once satisfied i headed off down the stairs.

"Morning" i shouted as i walked into the empty kitchen. No reply, thats wierd. I walked into the ounge and saw a pink note stuck onto the tv. Morning love just gone out too get some breakfast too cook. Don't miss us too much ;) Lots+lots+lots+lots of love your bestest ever friends Liam, Zayn, Haz, Lou and Niall xxxxx P.S Louis says hi. I read the note and smiled at the last part, those boys realy did make me laugh! i opened the fridge and all there was one carrot with another note on it LOUIS PROPERTY DO NOT EAT OR ELSE!!! I laughed theres no messing with Louis i thought as i placed the carrot back. I sat at the kitchen table playing on my phone when i got a text.

Zayn :D- Hey bebz gunna be a little longer in Nandos and with some girls we just met :D love you lots- zayn xx

Me- Hey erm okay, don't be too long, dieing of hunger here ;) are they cute?? do they like you??do you like them?? and also, wanna take me shopping later ;) need more clothes :(  love you moree!!- Rube x

I waited for a reply, for some reason i didnt like the idea of Zayn hanging around with some  random girls, i felt jelousy cover me and i gripped my phone tightly as i waited for him too reply.

2 minuits later-

Zayn :D- Okayy hun wont be too long just realy want oo spend some time with them ya know, they are realy cool! and what is this 21 questions or sumitt?? ;) hahaa but yes they are, i think so, and yeah i guess. Sure aslong as you can convince the boys too come because when i go shopping with you i neeevvveerr get too get anything from the mans section ;) hehee just joking i larvee yaa realyy :D- Zayn xx

I felt anger bubble up inside me as i read his text, He cant like them girls, there strangers?!! What happens if he brings one home and i get forgotten. Iknow that sounds stupid but beleive me i've thought about this many a times when Zayn gets a girlfriend. I dont know why but i always feel quite left out like Zayn is the one person i can rely on for anything or if im upset hes always there and whenever i need him he will be there, its like he knows me ore then i do. Like this one time he was dating this girl , Suzie Rae she seemed realy nice but i never saw Zayn and when i did it would be realy akward because he would be siitting on the sofa snogging her face of or just lieing there with her on his lap and all i would want to do is snuggel in beside him and put my head on his shoulder and let him put his arms around me, but you cant do that when they have a girlfriend, its just to akward i mean  i know i have the other boys and i know im very lucky to have 5 boys who care about me but that doesnt mean there Zayn. Hes just different. I dont know how...

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