I bite my lip with anxiety, because everyone at the table sat staring at the two of us, and in the moment I didn't care about the fact that they were starring. I leaned in to cup Jughead's cheek as I pressed a loving kiss against his warm lips. It was perfect. 

"Bullshit," I here Archie's angered voice, roar from across the table. Causing us to both jump back in shock. 

"What are you doing, sit down," Valerie try's to sooth him, but it doesn't seem to work because he yanks his arm free from her hold. 

"No I won't just sit down, you've got to be kidding me..what you two have is not love, god do you see how pathetic you both are, just sitting their expressing you're love for each other, Betty we all know it's been me this entire time that you've been in love with," Archie angrily screams towards us all. I see red in the moment. 

I quickly stand to grab his arm, dragging him out the door of Pop's to the parking lot. Everyone quickly following behind. 

"Archie stop it, I don't love you," I scream back at him, seeing as he stands closer to me. 

"yes you do, I've always known it Betty. How you pined after me from the first day we met...You want me," he explains. I roll my eyes in annoyance. 

"Get over yourself, yes when I was little I may have had a crush on you..And maybe there will always be that little girl inside me, that still likes you..But Archie I'm not that little girl anymore, and I will never like you that way, not now, not ever," I try to get my point across, seeing as everyone stands back in shock about what's playing out in front of their eyes. 

"No you love me," he screams, stepping closer to me to roughly push his lips to mine. NO NO NO, STOP. I can't even push him off me, I keep beating on his chest, trying to get him to stop. But it won't work. 

Suddenly he stops, suddenly he's just gone. And when I open my eyes, Jughead has him pressed up against the side of Pop's. Holding him by the collar of his shirt. 

"Don't you ever touch her again...you got it, if you ever lay a finger on her again with out her consent, I swear I'll kill you" He screams, I freeze where I'm standing. So much has happened, I can't comprehend it all. 

"Jug, let him go," Veronica rushes over to them, finally snapping me back to reality. 

He slowly but surely lets Archie go. And finally I think it's all over. But when I see Archie lunge at Jughead it's like the world stop. One second their on the ground, then next Archie's fist is raised and finally he punches Jughead. Blood, I see blood. And for the second time tonight I see red. 

"Get your fucking hands off him," I scream running over to him. grasping a hold of Archie's shirt, pulling him back. I don't think twice about it, I slap him straight across the face. 

"Betty," Jughead quickly recovers, stepping in front of me, blocking me from Archie. His hand wrapped around my arm. in protection as he glares.

"Get out of here, now," he practically growls. I tremble in shock at the power in his voice. But yet my heart warms, at the fact that he's protecting me. 

And he goes, leaving the rest of us behind, as he stomps away in frustration pulling at his hair angrily. Valerie runs after him. 


"I'm so sorry Jug," I apologize, pressing the ice pack to his swollen eye, as he sits on one of the stools in my kitchen. 

"What are you sorry for, if anything I'm sorry..for having to get violent", he looks down at his hands. I step in-between his legs using my hand to tilt his chin up, so I can stare into his mysterious eyes.

"Sometime's it has to come to that, and I'm thankful that you were protecting me..You did it for a reason," I try to explain, seeing as he slightly nods. 

"What are you thinking about," I question, as he wraps his arms around my waist. Pulling me closer to him. 

"You," he quickly replies, a smile on his face as he stares up at me. 

I laugh quietly while leaning forward to press my lips against his again. He hisses slightly from the cut on his lip, but responds anyway. His arms pulling me closer and closer until my chest is touching his. My hands cup his cheeks, as I press harder against his mouth. His lips part as he slowly deepens the kiss, our tongues clashing together. As his hand traces the outline of my body. Stopping at the hem of my shirt. His lips soon trail to my neck, causing my eyes to squeeze shut as a soft moan escapes me. 

"God I love you," leaves my mouth before I can stop it. He slightly tenses against me, as we both pull away. He stares me deep in the eye, a smile on his mouth.

"I love you too," he replies, and soon our lips are reconnecting into a fervid kiss. As he stands from his stool, pulling me up so his hands grasps the underside of my thigh, so I can wrap my legs securely around his torso. 






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