"I hate to interrupt this moment, but we need to go if Darcy wants to graduate this year!" Harry announces grinning from ear to ear. We all gather up our stuff and pile out the door, I take up the rear, ushering everyone out of the house, grabbing stray purses and car keys. Mum and dad take Lola and Ed in their car while Harry and I take Darcy, Caiden and Jack.

"Might I say sister" Jack begins in a grand accent, announcing it loud enough so everyone in the car can hear. "That you look lovely today and I personally am looking forward to this day" Darcy looks at him deadpanned.

"What did you break in my room?" She asks him sternly.

"Nothing, I'm just being nice to you on this most special of days and not complaining!" He speaks that last part quite loudly. I groan and pull out of the driveway following the street signs to Darcy's high school.

"You nervous Darce?" Caiden asks.

"Nope, I'm excited. What I'm not looking forward to is saying goodbye to everyone to leave when I start Uni" She replies.

"London will be great Darce, you have a few friends going with you right?" Harry asks, swivelling around in the passenger seat.

"Yeah but I have to leave Tyler behind" She says sadly.

"That might not be a bad thing you know!" Harry replies smiling.

"You are totally against me dating aren't you!?" Darcy asks him.

"I wasn't the deciding vote in the matter of you having relations with boys, that was your mothers call. I still say no dating until your married" He replies very proudly. The car goes silent.

"But if she weren't allowed to date........how did she get a husband?" Caiden asks quietly, Darcy rolls her eyes and looks out the window.

"Ooohhhhh i get it!! Don't worry" Caiden replies quickly after, I laugh as we pull into a parking space in the schools car park. We all hop out and dad pulls up into the space beside us.

"I have to go and register but I'll see you guys afterwards!" Darcy says goodbye to everyone quickly and shoots off into the building. It's a nice day out so the ceremony is being held outside. We all walk at our own pace towards the field across the other side of school.

"You alright babe?" Harry asks as he appears beside me, grabbing my hand.

"Yes I'm fine, just feeling a little....old haha, how about you?" I ask him.

"Much the same, before we know it, she'll be off getting married or even having her own children" He says looking ahead.

"Maybe with Tyler!" I tease, he groans before giving my hand a small squeeze.

"Don't even say that, that boy is trouble and we both know it!" He replies laughing.

"They have been dating for over a year Harry, she really loves him and I think there is a future for it!" I say to him.

"I don't want her to be settling down to young, she has her whole life ahead of her!" He says smiling.

"Um, hypocrite much. We were engaged before I even knew you existed!" I reply, catching up with the rest of the family.

"Well yes but your father approved of me, I certainly do not approve of him, just yet.." He says, guiding me up the bleachers to where the rest of our family had already been seated.

"You will come around, I'm sure" I say before giving Gemma a quick kiss on the cheek, Ella couldn't make it today but I'm glad both Gemma and Frank are here.

The ceremony was quick and over before we even knew it. Both mum and I had our digital camera's out, snapping away pictures as Darcy got handed her diploma, everyone in the family cheered like idiots when she went on stage, from here we could see Darcy's cheeks flush red. Once Darcy said goodbye to her friends, we piled into the car and headed home. 

"I was good today wasn't I mum?!" Jack asked me proudly when we walked in the front door.

"Yes you did indeed" I say sighing. "We will go and get the dang thing tomorrow then" I resign, he cheers and runs off  further into the house. We all sat around the living room, looking through the pictures we took of Darcy today.

"Ewww gross my eyes are half way between blinking and open!!!" She gasps making us all laugh.

"I swear everyone looks bad in their graduation photo's" She adds on.

"Lets prove this theory, mum where are your graduation photo's!?" Ed asks.

"I didn't graduate high school!" I tell them.

"Oooohhh mum's a high school drop out!!!!" Caiden chants.

"I did not drop out excuse me Mr! Your grandad pulled me out!" I say poking my tongue out.

"What was high school like in the 'olden days' mum?!" Darcy asks, all the adults make appalled noises.

"The 'olden days'??"Gemma asks horrified.

"You know what I mean!" Darcy teases. "Back in the day!!" 

"Well, my high school experience was pretty normal.." I look over at Harry, who is already smiling back at me. I smile back before replying

"Until I met my protector...."

************THE END*************

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