Chapter 41

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"So how are you feeling?" Harry asks while grabbing a mixing bowl from the bottom cupboard. I turn back from the pantry after retrieving the flour and sugar and place them on the bench.

"What do you mean?" I ask looking to him quickly before grabbing 2 eggs.

"You have had quite a morning..."He replies pouring the right amount of flour into the bowl.

"I'm alright I guess. We don't have to worry about  Bo anymore and I know that Holly is happy, so thats good" I say reaching for an egg.

"No I'm making you food" Harry says yanking the egg away from me. "You sit here" He says tapping the bench top. I huff and hop onto the bench and watch him work.

"And the gun?" He asks raising an eyebrow

"Okay I brought that purely for protection. Though the bastard kept running his mouth and I got pissed and almost shot him" I reply sourly, he laughs quietly to himself, beating the mix of flour, egg and sugar together.

"You looked quite powerful when we saw you" He states looking away from the mixture to me.

"I suppose adrenalin, taking charge of my life felt good I guess"

"Well please know that next time you want to feel adrenalin,promise me you will go bungy jumping and not go face your psychotic stalker"

"I promise, and I'm sorry for not you know, telling you I guess. He said he would hurt her if I.."

"Don't Scar" Harry cuts me off in the middle of my apology "I understand why you didn't want to risk it. You did the right thing, I would have done it" He replies.

"Really?" I ask. "I thought it was a suicide mission when I got there"

"It probably was, but any of us would've done it" Louis says walking around the corner and sitting beside me.

"Were you eaves dropping!?" Harry asks mixing in the chocolate.

"Yes and I got bored of standing. Anyway you did the right thing Scar" He replies turning to me and smiling, I smile back to him.

"Wait what happens now?" I say with the sudden realisation. I don't need to be protected anymore.

"The agency usually like to keep us around, to make sure you aren't in more danger normally, stop it Lou" Harry says but then snapping as Louis dips his finger into the brownie mixture, then he continues "Then...I don't know what happens after that actually, we normally go back to HQ"

"I know what will be happening soon" Louis chirps up.

"Oh yeah and whats that?" I ask as Harry puts the batter into the oven. A wide grin becomes plastered on Louis' face.

"The Secret Service Ball"

"The secret what?" I ask him.

"The Secret Service Ball, every year all the agents around the world try and get time of from work to go to HQ for one night for some big black tie party with some of their family. A way of saying thanks for all the 'excellent and professional work we do'" He proclaims that last part quite proudly.

"Oh yeah professional work, two days ago you were playing princesses with Ella and I!" I say causing Harry to spit out the juice he was drinking into the sink.

"You were what?!" Harry screams, a look of pure delight on his face

"Your just jealous because I was the best princess in all the land according to Ella!!"Louis says sassily to me, it's true though, he beat me at being a princess.

"Yes yes I am, now back to this ball.." I try to instantly change the subject.

"Not much to it really, but we are obliged to attend" Harry answers for Louis and checks on the brownies

"Will my dad be there do you think?" I ask, they both grow very silent.

"So thats a no then..?" I say more to myself than to them. I hadn't seen my dad in more than 4 months and even though I was mad at him for keeping this all from me, he's still my dad.

"I don't think he will be Scar.." Harry says quietly.

"It's okay, I just wanted to know if he could you know, help me find my mum.."I say, Louis turns around in his seat and looks at me with sad eyes. They don't know what Bo said to me when he was at Gemma's place and in the warehouse, she's alive and out there I just know it.

"Scar what would you do if you found her?" Louis asks me curiously.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused by his question.

"You know would you find your dad and leave or whatever.." He says trailing off and looking to Harry.

"How could I leave my fiancé and my brothers!" I say enthusiastically, making them both grin. "Plus, where else would an aspiring agent like me go?!" I say innocently, they both turn and stare at me in disbelief.
"A what...?" Harry asks, his disbelieving look slowly turning to a grin.
"What I did today, I liked being able to help people in a way that lots of other people can't. This is something I want to do" I say, finding myself smiling. Louis hops of the bench and runs into the hallway, I look to Harry confused before I hear.
"BOYS GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!!" The thudding sound of boy feet are heard from above us and all the boys are down stairs within 30 seconds.
"What's going on?" Liam asks all concerned, I guess considering the morning we have had it's understandable.
"Scarlett here, is going to be an agent" Louis confirms, all the boys break out into smiles, Niall rushes up to me and wraps me in a big hug
"THE GENE!!" He screams after hugging me, the excitement plastered on his face. I hop of the bench and give all the boys a hug before Frank walks in.
"Well, if your going to be an agent, and live up to your families name, then we must start as soon as possible" Frank says trying to be serious, but even he can't seem to wipe the smile off his face.
"And when will that be Frank?" I ask breaking the hug between Rob and I.
"Tomorrow, you will train as an agent in training.." The boys all break out into 'oooooohhhhhh's'
"What's the big deal?" I ask them all.
"I cried after my first lot of training" Harry says to me.
"Wow, I'm scared" I say worriedly, Harry can take a lot of pain, he's a pretty strong guy.
"Oh you should be" Niall announces. What the hell have I gotten myself into.....

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