Chapter 33

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*Harry's  P.O.V*

"So what's the plan?" Liam asks as we all climb into the surveillance van I didn't know we had. "And when did we get this thing?" Louis says just reading my mind. Niall pushes me further into the van before the sliding door slams shut behind us.

"Well, since we got here I decided to dispatch a security team, and since you said Scar saw Bo last night.." Frank points to me before continuing "I asked them to set up here, Bo is staying at this hotel across the street" He then points to a building on one of the small computer monitors by one of the team members heads. "We need to be careful about this, we don't want any unnecessary lives being put at risk" He finishes.

"So what do we do?!" I ask impatiently.

"Well, Bo hasn't been in since this morning so we need to wait for him to come back, these guys said he went to a bank so he should be back within the next hour" Frank replies.

"Soo........" Niall asks.

"We wait"

"Are you fucking kidding me? he's right under our noses and you want to wait!!!?" I argue.

"Harry wants his head on a platter" Louis tells Frank, trying to get me to sit still.

"And you can get it, when he returns. We are doing this by the book I'm not risking anything"

"What if he gets to Scar while we are waiting?" I ask him

"She's at home, plus Rob and Zayn are there, she will be fine" Frank says, and thats the end of it. I don't argue back, there is no changing his mind. We get our gear on in silence, pretty much just like the day we found Scar after Bo got her. This is going to end today, he's dead meat.

*Scar's P.O.V*

I wake up again around 9 am and can't seem to get back to sleep, I roll out of bed and put on some lazy day clothes.

I dragged my butt downstairs to find that Gemma was sitting in the kitchen looking out the window.

"Why isn't everyone back yet?" I ask going to sit down beside her.

"No honey you shouldn't be up you need to get some rest!" She replies.

"I'm feeling restless" I reply simply.

"Okay if your sure, I don't know where they are running late at the gym I guess, Rob and Zayn are here though, they're outside" She points to the window and there are Zayn and Rob standing in Gemma's front yard talking between themselves.

"What the hell are they doing its at least 2 degree's outside!"

"Apparently it's what Frank calls 'endurance training' they are wrapped up they should be fine" She replies giggling, walking towards the kitchen sink. I look back out the window and don't see the boys.

"Gemma they're gone!"

"What do you mean gone!?" She asks hurriedly joining me by the window.

"I don't know they were there and now they aren't" I said going to the front door.

"Wow what are you doing!?" Gemma asks trailing after me.

"We need to make sure there okay!" I say stopping half way to the door. I turn away from her and start again for the door, as I do the door flies open, breaking the lock in the process. Zayn and Rob's unconscious bodies are thrown into the house and land at the foot of the staircase. A gasp escapes my mouth as I run to check of they're at least alive. But a voice stops me.

"Miss me love......" Bo's hollow voice sounds through the open door, I stand paralysed and to my relief, the boys muffle groans from their positions.

"STAY DOWN OR I'LL KILL YOU" Bo yells pulling out a gun, I have no idea what Gemma is doing but I hear her gasp behind me. The boys stay where they are and don't move, Zayn picks his head up and looks to Bo.

"Everyone else knows where you are, they will find you!!"

"Actually!" Bo starts with a sick smile across his face, with one fluid moment he sends the door flying shut with a loud bang. "They think I'm an hour away in town. When really I'm here, and I've come for what I want" He looks up from Zayn and looks to me. "Now how the hell did you manage to escape me last time!?" Bo asks, playing around with the gun in his left hand. I stay silent.

"All you had to do WAS GIVE ME THE DAMN CHIP!" He screams raising the gun, pointing it in my direction. After a few seconds he lowers it. "No I think that would be to easy, I think I want to know more about you before I kill you" Bo says looking to Gemma.

"You bring me a chair" He says to Gemma raising his gun, Gemma moves from her stand still position and drags one of the chairs to the middle of the room, he then turns to me.

"Take a seat love"

"Really Bo, emotional torture!" Rob pipes up from the hall floor.

"Yes Rob, the worst kind in my opinion. And my dear.." Bo's cold eyes turn back to me. "You, have been through a lot in a short amount of time. So let's begin" He forces me from my standing position to sit in the chair, he squats in front of me and pulls out some rope. "Well now doesn't this remind you of the first time we met" He laughs pulling the rope tightly across my torso and securing it in a tight knot.

"The first time we met I was unconscious" I spit through gritted teeth, making sure to spray him right in the face. He stands and lashes the back of his left hand over my right cheek. Leaving my skin a painful shade of red.

"Now now darling, we don't want to se my mean side" He laughs again, grabbing one of the chairs himself, placing it in a position where he can see us all.

"Maybe we should start with your mother....."

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