Chapter 29

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"Come on!!!" Ella says jumping up and down in the middle of the kitchen. I groan and crouch down to the floor. 

"Ella! We have played hide and seek for 3 hours, there must be something else you want to do!?" I ask, hoping to inspire another idea. When I suggested we play some games, I did not mean the same game over and over and over again. She taps her mouth with her finger and taps her foot repeatedly on the ground, thinking over her decision. Harry is sitting at the kitchen table watching this all go down having a very enjoyable time by the looks of it. 

"I want to do some colouring in!!!" Ella squeals much like last time. I sigh in relief. 

"Oh thank god" i mutter under my breath. My back was killing me due to hiding under beds, in closets and I even braved outside even though I almost froze to death. And yet Harry managed to beat me every god damn time. We set up her princess colouring in book on the table and spread out her gel pens and crayons. She sits herself at the table and begins colouring her way through a picture of snow white. All the boys are out with Frank probably doing some extra training so its just Harry, Ella and I at home. Harry brings out three glasses of apple juice and sits beside me at the dining room table. 

"Ella?" Harry begins. 

"Yes Uncle curly?!" Thats her new nickname for her, guess who made that one up (points to self and whispers 'me') 

"Why is snow white green?" He asks her after laughing again at his new name. I only just noticed that instead of colouring her dress, she is making snow whites skin bright green. 

"Because she is!" She huffs and continues with her masterpiece. He retreats back from leaning over her shoulders and looks back to me. 

"What are you laughing at?" He says to me, i stifle back my giggle. 

"Haha nothing 'uncle curly!'" I reply

"Man i hate that you have an influence on my niece!" He replies drinking his juice. 

"Uh i think your forgetting thats shes pretty much my niece!" I reply. 

"Very true" he replies popping his glass back on the table and turning to look at me again. 

"Have you talked to Gemma recently?"i ask. 

"Yes i have spoken to my sister once or twice surprisingly!" He says sarcastically. 

"Oh shut up!"i say hitting him on the arm. 

"Were you referring to the date she is trying to set up?" He asks after mocking pain from my hit, i almost choke on my juice. 

"Shes actually planning something?!" I ask surprised. 

"Actually, we planned something. As in her and I"


"Yes, and saying that.." He says grabbing my hand. " Scarlett, will you go out on a date with me?!" He asks me smiling, dimples on show. 

I fake ponder over it, making him wait for my answer was funny. I finally give in once I see hints of concern cross his face. 

"Yes I will" i say proudly. His face breaks into a smile and he squeezes my hand softly before crashing his lips softly with mine. 

"Ewwwwwww" Ella chants, trying to pull Harry away, we both pull away laughing and after some 'scary' looks from her, she returns to her green snow white. 

"So when is this date?" I ask, tracing circles around the rim of my glass with my finger. 



"Yes tonight" Harry says finally. Oh god

"well what do I wear, where are we going?" I ask at a million miles an hour, i stress its what i do. 

"Relax, we are just going to a little restaurant in town" He replies cooly. 

"I dont think i have anything to wear?" I say, growing concerned at the lack of formal wear i actually own let alone have with me. 

"Not to worry! Gemma's got you covered!" He replies turning back to see Ella scribbling all over Aurora's face with an orange crayon. Tonight? Gemma's got me covered? Whats in store for me? Im excited but I'm nervous at the same time.

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