Chapter 22

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*Scarlett's P.O.V*

The rest of the drive up to Holmes Chapel was a quiet one, we had the radio on in the background but I guess that was the only noise in the car. Maybe everyone felt a bit awkward after me seeing Holly and my old house for the first time since I left, both of them from a safe distance but still. I had resulted on playing games on my iPod and listening to music, but eventually angry birds grew boring and I resulted in staring out the window, watching the world go past me. You know like when your in a car and you look out the window and sometimes you pretend you are like in a movie or something and it's a really intense moment when you are contemplating your life existence. Yeah this is different to that, see in the movie they normal have to decide between two things like 2 loves or 2 different places to live, but with me I don't have a choice in all of this I actually don't know whats going to happen. So unlike in the movie when they stop the car and run back to wherever the hell they came from, I don't have anywhere to run the door is locked, I checked. Louis and Frank have opted to talk about some things in the front seat but eaves dropping has never turned out well for me, so I turn my music up and block them out. Harry however has chosen to do the same as me and put on his headphones and block out the world. 

This entire situation is so confusing for me. I don't actually see how being married to him is going to keep me safe. Besides all the stuff about having a legit last name and everything I don't see how it comes into play. But I guess if my dad said so, they all go along with it, he is after all like a god to these guys. Harry has literally given up his life to take care of me, and he only just met me a month ago. I do like him and all and I like this whole thing we are doing, it makes me feel safe and loved, something I have been lacking lately. Yet I can't help but feel that this whole thing is so rushed. Once in Holmes, I had to learn my new identity, how could I possibly manage a relationship if I don't even know my date of birth?

After what seemed like a lifetime later, which in reality was maybe 30 songs, we arrived outside a very cute looking house just out of the way of the town of Holmes. Harry and Frank immediately jumped out which signalled Louis and i to hop out after them. As Harry, Louis and Frank pulled out the bags from the back, a figure emerged from the house.
"Hello there stranger!" She said waving from the inside of her house, Harry turned grabbed both his bag, my bag and my hand and pulled me up the pathway towards the house. She met us halfway and strangled Harry with a hug, he dropped my hand gently and hugged her back, they stayed this way for quite some time before she pulled away from him.
"Come on we can do introductions inside, it's freezing" She huffed into her hands and ushered me, Harry, Frank and Louis into her house. From the outside it looks like quite a small cottage, but on the inside it has a lot of rooms. There is a big living room upon entry with a big brick fireplace roaring away keeping the house nice and cosy. To the right was a dining room and kitchen, most of the house was wood or brick so it wasn't very modern, but it was a nice escape from HQ.

"The boys stopped for burgers two towns ago, they will be here soon" Frank read out Liam's text and sighed before putting his phone back in his pocket. We were all sitting down in the living room waiting for Gemma and Harry to bring in tea for everyone, I don't know if Gemma knows just how many people are coming to stay at her house but she seems like she is enjoying entertaining so far. Harry and Gemma come back with a tray of teas and pass them around, Harry grabs his and mine and sits beside me on the couch before handing me my tea. Gemma can't seem to sit still, she looks very excited.
"So your my sister in law!" She grins widely after taking a sip from her tea, I nod my head.
"Yes I am I suppose" I smile back, she laughs quietly.
"Don't worry hun, I know that you are new at all of this and I am going to help you" She seems so lovely and sweet, I wonder how she didn't end up in all of this.
"Where is my niece?" Harry asks Gemma smiling, I heard that Gemma had a little girl but I never knew how old she was, or even her name.
"She is napping Harry, she does not revolve around you schedule" Gemma replies sarcastically before taking another sip of her tea. I am half way through my next mouth full when we hear some knocking at the door.
"Those must be the boys!" Gemma and Frank both jump up to let the boys in, Frank probably to tell them off for making a pit stop for lunch, I should have gone in their car I'm starving. Louis has found himself entertainment by playing with the tabby cat lying in front of the fire, Harry places his hand over mine.
"Are you okay?" He asks, worry filling his eyes.
"Yeah I'm good, your sister is very sweet" I send him a reassuring smile, but his face doesn't change.
"No, I meant about this morning.."He must be talking about Holly and my old house.
"Oh no I was fine" I lie.
"It made you upset I could see it" Harry presses on, hoping for me to spill my guts.
" was just a lot to see okay, I don't think I was ready. But I did it and now i can move on, so whatever you did to make that happen.."I hold his hand and give it a small squeeze. "Thank you" I finish.
The boys burst in looking slightly dishevelled probably from having a yell at from Frank, I overheard the words 'priorities' and 'responsibilities' so I think it was brutal. They say hi to us all and put their bags at the corner of the room like we had and find places on the ground to sit. Niall sits on the ground between Harry's and my knees and I take the opportunity to ruffle his hair, it did not earn me a pleasing look.
"Right boys, 3 to a room and one of you can take Scarlett's bags up to her separate room. Scarlett, come with me please" Frank calls out instructions and I follow him to the kitchen.
"HER ONE HAS THE DOUBLE BED IN IT!" Gemma yells up the stairs and returns to the kitchen with Frank and I. He motions for me to sit down in one of the seats in the dining room, Gemma sits in the one beside me. Frank pulls out his briefcase and after opening it and retrieving several papers, clicks it shut and slides the papers over to me.
"This is your new life Scarlett.."

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