Chapter 25

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After the long process of making sure everyone's tea is how they like it, I am loaded with 5 on my tray and go off to find the boys to deliver their teas. I walk into the lounge to find Harry and Frank examining a large bruise on Harry's stomach.
"How the hell did that happen?" I ask while placing Franks tea on the coffee table beside him.
"Louis packs a punch" Harry laughs slightly, which only seems to increase the pain on his abdomen. I sigh and hand Harry his tea and wander up the stairs to find the boys. I knock on their door and hear a lot of mumbled phrases sounding like 'come in'
"God you all look awful" I say once I walk into the room, all the boys are slouched down in their beds with ice packs and heat bags, their bodies covered in bandages.
"Gee thanks Scar" Liam jokes as I hand him his tea, I smile and step over a pile of clothes to beside Zayn's bed and hand him his tea. I look over beside him and see Louis still asleep.
"I'm guessing he wont need this then" I say to myself acknowledging Louis' cup, the last on my tray. "Hows he doing?" I ask the boys.
"Not to bad, he said he just needed some sleep and he should be good" Liam tells me. I suddenly begin to feel guilty that the boys were all injured because of me.
"This is what you boys get for making me take you away" I say sarcastically turning to walk out of the room. Zayn finds some strength somewhere to throw one of his pillows at me, it misses and hit the doorframe
"Ha!" I exit the room and walk to the kitchen, sending Louis' now lukewarm tea down the drain. Gemma walks back into the kitchen and brings out two more cups.
"What are those for?" I gesture to the cups she placed on the bench, she moves to the kettle and refills it with water from the tap.
"For us" She says, putting the water on to boil. "I need a cuppa and so do you"
"What makes you think I need one?"
"Well, you look like you've seen a ghost for starters"
"I'll have you know that I am naturally this pale!" I say defending myself but laughing at the same time. I've always had very pale skin and can't tan so I permanently look scared.
"No whiter than usual hun" She says as the water finishes boiling, she pulls out two tea bags and makes our tea.
"Long day, and it's only" I look at my watch "9 am" I finish.
She hands me my tea. "I go to work in an hour and then I have to pick up Ella from day care later tonight, are you gonna be okay here with them" She sips her tea, gesturing to upstairs.
"I'll be alright don't worry, I can't wait to meet Ella!" I say excitedly.
"Neither can I, free babysitting yay!! I'm gonna go get ready for work" She says grabbing her tea and leaving the kitchen, I decide to go and sit in the living room and see Frank cleaning another cut on Harry's forehead.

"How were the boys?" Frank asks, not looking up from what he was doing.
"They were good, Louis' sleeping and the other boys are keeping themselves preoccupied somehow" I reply, sitting in one of the comfy armchairs beside the fire. I can feel Harry's eyes on me but I don't acknowledge them. I'm still mad about how he acted towards Louis.
"There you go!" Frank says plastering up Harry's cut. He stands up and walks to the kitchen to throw away some rubbish and returns with a banana in hand.
"So are the boys doing this training every morning?" I ask Frank. I am not going to be spending every morning playing nurse and fetching tea.
"No I don't think that was one of my best idea's" Frank replies sitting on the couch that separated Harry's chair and mine.
"It wasn't too bad" Harry says out of the blue, Frank and I both just turn and stare at him, mouths open.
"Your friend is unconscious upstairs!" I say loudly gesturing to the stair case, leaning forward in my seat slightly.
"I have to take this!" Frank says jumping up and pulling out his silent phone.
"Take what?" 
"My phone call" Frank replies to Harry.
"Frank, your phone isn't even on" I sigh. He panics slightly and yells up the stairs "Coming!" Before he bolts it up the staircase. Well someone doesn't want to get in the middle of this.
"Babe he's fine" Harry stands up and sits on the side on the couch closer to me. I just sigh and start rubbing my head with my hand, to tired to argue back.
"What made you act that way towards him?" I ask him.
"I don't know what you mean?"
"Harry you threw your best friend 4 metres and beat the crap out of him that doesn't just happen"
"It was what he said okay it wasn't me!" He says frustratedly.
"What did he say?" I ask him, my voice stern, whatever the fuck Louis said it really affected him. He hesitates and doesn't answer.
"Harry tell me or I will ask him myself" I says coldly, he shakes his head.
"No I will tell you" He sighs.
"Go ahead"

*Harry's P.O.V During fight*

Louis and I were both hitting each other hard, but he had some energy left, I however was exhausted. Compared to Louis I knew I wasn't going to win this fight, Louis grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him.
"You know how weak you look right now" He growls. "Imagine if I was taking Scarlett away from you, this is all you got!" Something snapped in me, I didn't see Louis anymore, his face was replaced with the description Scarlett gave of Bo. Light brown hair, big eyebrows, extremely aggressive looking. I saw the man who put her in a hospital bed for a month, tore her away from everyone she has ever known. I snapped, I lost control. I punch Louis hard in his jaw and once in the stomach, he hits me one more time before I send him flying backwards. I run up to him screaming

"COME ON, IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!" I scream at him while pulling Louis to his feet and pushing his chest trying to get a rise out of him. Louis pulls out a punch that hits my right cheek again. 
"2 MORE MINUTES BOYS!" I hear Frank scream from the sideline, it's distant but I hear it
"THEY WILL KILL EACH OTHER!" Scar screams to Frank, I don't acknowledge her though, I want to kill him for what I he did to her. He and I were wrestling each other on the ground for a few seconds before I flipped him over my head wanting to have the advantage. I stand up beside him and kick him hard and pull him to his feet. He looks bad, but I keep going
"OKAY THATS ENOUGH" I hear Scar yell a few metres away "HARRY STOP YOUR HURTING HIM!"She says closer to us now. I shake Louis back and forth.
"Really am I weak now!!" I whisper through gritted teeth. He is trying to escape my grasp but I hold him tighter. "This is what you get for hurting my girl!!" I continue. I then throw him out of my hand to another patch of grass a few metres away and begin to walk towards him, wanting to feel as much pain in these five minutes as possible.

"HARRY STOP THIS NOW!" Scar runs between me and Louis, I'm mad and so I don't approach her, not trusting my anger
"Scar, move out of the way" I don't want to sound mean, but I can see on her face that I was.
"No" She replies changing her expression, to one that is strong. "I wont let you hurt him anymore"
"You didn't hear what he said now move!" Why was she defending him, I could see him slowly starting to get up off the grass, well trying to.
"I DONT CARE!" She yells back to me.
"TIMES UP!" Frank yells to us. I curse under my breath and look to Scar, but she has gone to help Louis off the ground. Only then do I realise that it wasn't Bo I was hurting, it was Louis.

I tell all of this to Scar as we sit by the fire, I can't tell from her expression if she's still afraid of me. I don't want her to be...

*Scarlett's P.O.V*

I sit quietly while Harry tells me about what happened in the fight. He saw Bo's face on Louis? I guess that could have sparked something inside him.
"I realised it was Louis when the fight was over and you went to go help him, and thats why I wanted to hurt him" Harry finishes and looks up at me, as if he doesn't know how I will react.
"You were seriously hurting him Harry" I reply while sighing.
"I know I know, I wanted him to pay for what I thought he did to you" He says, looking down at his hands. I feel bad for snapping at him and being mad, he was only trying to indirectly protect me from Bo, and it's nice to know that he would react like that to someone who hurt me.
"I've just never seen that side of you before, it was new to me" I say looking at the fire, he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, causing me to turn around and look at him.
"I would never hurt you" He says strongly. "And I will do everything I can to make sure no-one else does too" His protective words make me feel safe again, like Harry always has. I jump up and curl up beside him on the couch, his left arm goes around my shoulder and I rest my head on his shoulder.
"I know you wont hurt me, I was never afraid of that" I reply, staring ahead outside the window, to see the snow now falling outside. He seems somewhat relieved and brushes across my shoulder with his hand.
"I'm glad" He says softly, his eyes looking in the same direction as mine. Neither of us moving or talking, we sit there and do nothing but watch the snow fall...

My Protector [h.s completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang