Chapter 27

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**************Next Morning****************

There was no early wake up call this morning, which hopefully means no more one on one combats. The boys were still a little sore when they went to bed last night so maybe Frank's given them the day off. 
"Morning children!" Frank says joining us in the kitchen, all the boys were sitting at the table while Gemma, Ella and I were sitting on top of the kitchen counters.
"So Frank" Louis begins. "What's in store for training today, swimming the channel?" He asks sarcastically. Frank sighs and grabs a banana from the fruit bowl.
"No boys, none of that. I found a gym we can train at" The boys all cheer enthusiastically and high five. Gemma and I just sit there and laugh at them, obviously happy that they can use machines at the gym. "Alright get your gear on and lets go. And Scarlett?" Uh oh "Your coming too" 
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh"The boys all say in synced.
"Wait why am I coming with you guys?" I ask
"Because you need to train like these boys now, and be prepared" Frank tells me. Niall jumps up.
"THE GENE!!!!" And fist pumps the air. I stay seated and glare at them before jumping up.
"Okay fine, but hurry up before I change my mind about this!" I say heading for the stairs, all the boys hurry after me.

I get to my room and chuck on my exercise gear , after pulling my hair into a quick ponytail and grabbing my iPod, I hurry downstairs and meet the boys. Ella runs up to me and gives me a quick hug, I crouch down to her level.
"Where are you going?" She asks me in the cutest little innocent voice.
"I'm going to be with the boys this morning, but I will be back this afternoon" I tell her. She holds out her pinky to me.
"Pinky pwomise!?" She stucks out her pinky and I wrap mine around hers.
"I promise" I say shaking our pinkies slightly. Gemma picks her up after that and I follow the boys out to one of the cars, pulling on my jacket as I walk out. Harry guides me to the first car with Zayn and Louis. The rest all go in the other car with Frank. We wait for Frank to pull out and follow after him, Louis turns around in the front seat.
"Well Ella seems to really like you Scar?" She does actually, she forced Gemma and I to spend about 2 hours with her last night playing dolls with her yesterday.
"Yeah she's so adorable and I think she likes me" I reply smiling. Louis then says something about how he after this he wants to go and eat his weight in nacho's or something like that. I zone out and think about the upcoming morning. I'm going to have to train maybe everyday like these boys, and seeing them yesterday i can't help but feel nervous. I have done some sports, like I did netball and volleyball in the summer and I have done boxing for about 4 years so I was okay with that. But I certainly couldn't do half the things these boys were capable of. Way too soon, Zayn stopped the car and we had arrived at the gym, I hop out and follow behind Louis inside the standard looking gym. The place is pretty empty with only one person at reception and a few on the machines, apart from that it's just us. Frank has us start on the treadmills, he immediately bumps up the boys speeds and comes to me at the end.
"You go to the gym often?" He asks reaching my machine.
"Yeah i guess"
"Then do what you do when your there" And then walks away, I guess he isn't actually that bothered with me which makes me feel relieved. The machine is familiar to the one I had in my gym back home, I bump up the speed to a steady run and plug in my headphones

Careful making wishes in the dark, dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark, mark
And besides in the mean, mean time
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart.

I play my favourite song by Fall Out Boy and let my legs take me away. After a few more songs, Frank signals me off the treadmill. I take out my headphones and step off the machine. I then head to Frank who is waiting in the middle of the gym.
"I want to try something right now" He says smiling when i reach him.
"Your scaring me Frank!" I reply giggling quietly.
"Just trust me" He said before bringing Harry off his machine as well. "Harry" He said to him slapping him on the back. "Clearly showed that he is the best at one on one combat" Harry smiled and shook his head slightly.
"Where you going with this?" I ask Frank, slightly worried still.
"Harry's going to teach you how to protect yourself!"
"Uhh I know how to protect myself, I did boxing for years" I defend myself, I'm not some little defenceless person who needs to be taught how to defend herself.
"Well then this should all be easy for you then!" Frank says handing me some boxing gloves from the floor, once I take them he hands Harry some other gloves and points us to the ring on the other side of the room. Then he leaves us to it and goes back to the boys on the machines. 
"You ready for this?" Harry asks climbing inside and helping me in after him. I put my gloves on.
"Bring it on curly!"

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