Chapter 14

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Harry's P.O.V*

"Harry what happened, talk me through it again" I was sitting on the side of the road answering the same questions for the hundredth time and it got me mad.

I stood up and shoved Niall's hand off my shoulder "FRANK I HAVE ANSWERED ALL OF THIS, YOU KNOW WHAT I KNOW NOW CAN WE GO GET HER BACK PLEASE" Frank sighed and walked towards me. The whole agency were trying to find Scarlett. We had place a tracking device in her jacket before we left but the signal keeps getting interrupted.

"Harry calm down okay, we will find her" He replies. The boys all looked at me sympathetically.

"What are you guys looking at?"I hissed at them. I was quite pissed off that we haven't been able to locate her and I was taking it out on everyone else. Terrible I know.

"We..just ahh.."Niall began for them until Louis interrupted.

"Mate we know how much you care about her" He said walking over to me. 

"What do you mean by that. It's my job to protect her and I don't wanna get fired!" I lie. This is so much more than that.

"Ah your not fooling me, I know theres something more there!" Louis smiles at me. It's that cheeky smile he gets when he thinks he's right. Knows he's right actually.

"That would be against the rules Louis. I dont have feelings for her" I say turning away from his stare. It actually is a rule. You can not have a relationship or have feelings for your client. They believe it may cloud your judgment on how best to protect them. But I dont see how thats true, because I just want to get Scarlett back more than ever.

"Dude, just tell me" He grabs my shoulder and steers me to a part in the road where no one was around. "You can say it and I wont tell a soul"

"There isnt anything to tell Louis" I say sternly. He was not going to break me down.

"What if I told you....that she said something about you two.....?" There he goes again, stirring up shit the way he does best. He should really drop out of the Secret Service and become a professional shit stirrer.

"Haha yeah right Louis" I laugh.

"I'm serious mate" I guess it's possible. Scarlett and Louis have really become close friends as of lately. They are both pretty alike.

"Well when did this supposed talk happen?" I asked him sarcastically.

"Right after she kissed you...." He trails off smiling.

How did he know about the kiss...?

*Louis's P.O.V*

#Earlier that day#

Niall and I were heading towards the courts to shoot some hoops. We heard running coming down the hallway and all of a sudden Scarlett comes flying past us at high speed, Harry follows shortly after gaining on her. He manages to stop her and thankfully for us, they don't whisper.

"Well isn't this a treat!?" I say to Niall and we turn our attention back to the happy couple.

"Damn your fast" Harry puffs doubling over. Poor kid!

"Uhh sorry"Scarlett replies, she almost looks worried about his health. He's right she is fast.

"No I'm fine. Where were you planning on going by the way" Harry stands up all sweaty and gross. More concerned about her than him. How sweet.

"I don't know. I dont know what going on with me. I just need to get outside. I haven't been outside in so long and I need it" She loses it. Scarlett and I have become close over the last few days. With all of us intact. So it hurts both Niall and I that she is upset. But like the smooth man Harry is, he's got this.

"Hey it's alright. I can go and talk to Frank and see if I can get you a little time outside" He soothes her while rubbing her cheek. That's it I have decided this boy loves her end of story. She almost knocks him over with a huge huge hug. 

"Nawwww" Niall and I both whisper.

"Oh thank you Harry!" SHE KISSED HIM WHAT!? I know it was just a cheek but she frigging made the first move. This chick is ballsy. Harry obviously seems pleased with himself. Though he's composed I can almost hear the excitement in his voice. What? I know him.

"I uh I cant guarantee anything. But I will try" He replies. Quite caught off guard I think. She hugs him again and they stay that way for quite some time. They are so adorable.

"Hey, what are fiancés for?!"He smiles as she begins to laugh. Okay she likes him too. Ahhhh this is so great.

"I can go ask him now. Stay here and dont go anywhere" And with that he turned the corner and left her. She was grinning from ear to ear. It was a funny sight. She didn't quite know what to do with herself. I felt it was my duty to step in.

"Well wasn't that a treat. Niall didn't you find that a treat" I said strolling out so she could see us. Niall nodded eagerly following my lead. She looked shocked at first but brushed it away fast.

"Hey Louis, hey Niall. Whats up!?" She walks over to us with a smile.

"Ohh don't pretend that that didn't happen!?" Niall pipes up. I look at him with my 'let me handle this' look and he nods and shies away from then.

"What do you mean?" She acts all innocent. Not buying it if you cant already tell.

"You kissed Harry!" I said. Her face lost all colour. She stuttered slightly but I took over the conversation.

"I know it was just a cheek kiss, but you like him don't you!? I know you like him" I tempt her.

"He's a good friend!" She laughs.

"You don't kiss 'good friends' if there isn't something more!" I say. I know I'm being an ass but I don't care.

"Uhhhh no no there isn't" She stutters.

"You can tell us!" I gesture to Niall. Who nods along with me. "Come on we all know it, so just say it." 

"Okay so I like him a little" She admits. THANK THE LORD.

"A little?" I ask. Urging her to continue.

"Okay I like him a lot. I care about him" She said, she blushed and looked at her feet.

"Would you go out with him?" I ask. After much silence, Harry walks back into the hallway. They talk for a second and then they both walk away.

"THIS ISN'T OVER MUNROE!" I shout down after her.

#Present time#

I tell all of what happened to Harry. How much of a couple they looked. How she smiled after he left. What she said to me. And Harry, was all ears.

"She said what?" He asks after I finished. I had to repeat myself to him and again his eyes bulged out of his head.

"She likes me..." He said.

"Yes, she likes you in that way" I reassure him. He smiles slightly but hides it quickly.

"And I know you care about her. Much more than her just being your client. I can see it's eating you alive" He shifts uncomfortably in his place and looks at the ground.

*Harry's P.O.V*

"And I know you care about her. Much more than her just being your client. I can see it's eating you alive" Louis said to me. I get really uncomfortable and start shifting my feet.

So I didn't exactly have the best poker face. Of course I cared about Scarlett. She's an incredible girl and I really care about her. It's killing me that she's out there. And I can't help her. Not until we find her.

"I GOT A LOCATION!" I hear Ben, our tech guy scream. We all rush towards the computer and see a little red dot blinking. 

"Well where is it!?!?" I almost scream at him. He types into the computer and an address shows on screen.

"Let's move out. Boys you come with me. Everyone else into the second van" Frank yells to us. Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall and I all load into one of the vans and Frank and Alex climb into the front. We all put on our bulletproof vests and the other things we might need. Walkie talkie's, guns,bullets and ear pieces. Worst case scenario would be that we need the guns, but we have to be prepared...Who knows what were are going to walk into.

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