Chapter 37

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*Louis' P.O.V*

"No Louis I'm not doing that" Harry says for the 50th time pushing past me and heading into the kitchen. I follow after him holding the device up to his face.

"I think you need to do this Harry" I say shoving it towards him again.

"For gods sake Louis I'm not going to put a GPS tracker on my girlfriend"He says angrily, pulling a cereal bowl out of the cupboard.

"She's acting suspicious, she has for the last few days" I say to him. He turns away from the fridge with the carton of milk in hand and turns back to the counter I'm leaning against.

"Just because she doesn't tell you about every rock she comes across on her run doesn't mean that she's being suspicious" He replies shovelling a spoonful into his mouth and pushing past me to sit at the table with Zayn and Liam.

"It's not just her run, when she's here she acts all nervous and everything and she doesn't talk unless someone asks her a question. I even talked to Gemma and she's convinced something is wrong with her" I finish, he looks up at me from beside Liam.

"You really think so?" He asks, changing his tone to a more serious one. 

"Yeah I do, look we just put this into her jacket and if she's not back for an hour then we check it to see where she goes" I say simply, I thought this out last night after Gemma and I talked it over yesterday.

"Okay gimme" He leans over the table and I hand him the device, he grabs it and goes over to her jacket she wears for running and tucks the device inside the hood. Then he walks quickly over to his seat with a guilty look on his face.

"You nervous?" Liam asks him.

"Umm" Harry starts, I finish for him.

"It's our job, with Bo on the loose we're still technically in charge of her safety. This is just part of it" I confirm to him, he nods unconvinced and returns to his cereal. A few seconds later, Scarlett comes bounding down the stairs in her running gear with Ella on her hip. She seemed shocked at us being here at first.

"I thought you guys were at the gym?" She asks appearing in the dining room.

"Frank gave us the morning off, we're on Ella duty" I say standing up and taking Ella off of her repeating back Frank's instructions. Gemma had to work today so we are in charge of Ella considering she has no day care.

"Oh okay then" She replies letting me take Ella off her and going to put on her jacket.

"You going for your run?" Zayn asks her as she zips up her jacket.

"Uh yeah" She replies not looking up from her zip, she fumbles with it a couple of times before zipping it up the full way.

"Are you nervous or something?" I ask calling her out. She plays with her hands hesitantly.

"No not at all" She replies tying up her shoelace. I can't help but notice Harry looking at her with a nervous look on his face, obviously now seeing my concern.

"When will you be back?" Harry asks her shakily, its the first thing they've said to each other since discussion a few days ago. She looks up at him calmly before replying. "Whenever I get back" Before anyone else can say anything, she walks out the door and sets off jogging down the lane.

"We will check in an hour" I say handing Ella to Harry. He takes her and gives her a small kiss on the forehead.

"It will be a long hour" He replies before taking Ella to the kitchen and cutting her up a banana. He's right, it's going to be long...

*Scar's P.O.V*

I take off down the path before anyone gets another chance to try and trip me up. It's obvious Louis knows that somethings up. I turn down a street and speed up, not wanting to risk being late. The boys will worry if I don't get back for a while. I haven't actually thought this plan through, he's not exactly going to meet up with me and let me go. Then again I didn't think we were going to join hands and sing Kumbaya and hand over Holly to me. I went into Frank's room and grabbed one of his hand guns and tucked it into the inside my sports top. I don't want to use it, but this is Holly we are talking about. My best friend, she's almost like the sister I never had, I'm not going to let her get hurt because of me and my families secret. I arrive at the warehouse much faster than I had hoped. Finding the entrance tucked away in the back, I enter to find the big room empty, no signature chair, no Holly, no Bo. I decide to make myself known. 

"Bo!!I'm here, I'm alone and I want Holly back!!" I yell into the cold empty warehouse. The silence that follows terrifies me, maybe he doesn't have Holly and it was all a trick. I turn around and quickly rush towards the door. The once opened door wont budge when I push against it, I throw my shoulder at the door, willing it to loosen up, but nothing works. I begin to panic, looking around the empty space for another door. I see a fire exit on the other side of the room and run over quickly. Before I reach the door, something catches my eye. I turn and see a bright purple sneaker on the right side of the room. I quickly rush over hoping it's Holly, and there she is. Curled up in a ball, hands tied, mouth gagged and eyes closed. I sink to the floor and start slapping her on the cheek trying to wake her up. Her eyes slowly flutter open and a look of shear terror crosses her face.

"Shhh" I say soothingly, taking the rope tie out of her mouth.

"Scar...that's impossible?!" She whispers quietly.

"We haven't got time, I will explain later but I have to get you out of here" I whisper picking her up off the floor and rushing her over to the exit. She's weak but her legs can carry her, she leans on me for support and I make a mad dash as fast as I can with her leaning against me to the exit.

"I don't think you want to do that love" Bo's wicked voice says behind us.

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