Chapter 18

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"Is that Jiro and Jake?" The bastard said. I only stared at the two with disbelief that they still didn't follow a thing I said.

"I told you to stay inside!" I shouted at them but their focus wasn't on me but was on Seth.

Shit. This is bad

The wolves from Xavier's pack surrounded the two, guessing Xavier ordered them.

"If they're here then that means she is also here, am I not right?" Seth stated.

"Bastard," Jiro sneered out at Seth, who looks at the twin with a sinister smile.

"Is that how you greet the person who had love you dearly?" Seth questioned but the smirk was still planted on his face.

"Had...until your sick treatment came!" Jake shouted.

Treatment?, they didn't tell me about what that was.

"Save the questions for another time, focus on the task ahead!" Jax shouted, reminding me of what is happening right now.

"And that made the ones you are right now, you should be thankful," Seth cocked his head to the side as if examining them.

"You fucking Bastard!" A voice boomed behind us at the same time the front door slammed open.

We were all shocked to see Sage in front of the door, fuming. Her glare was directed at the enemy in front of us. A glare that can make anyone tremble in fear.

Sage slowly made her way towards us without looking away from our enemy.

"I miss you sweetie," Seth said with mocking sadness.

Xavier growled at him, then was beside Sage holding her.

"No use in hiding it now..." Mike said. I nodded for the evidence of our true form is out, exposed on the field.

"Don't call me that you sick psycho!" Sage growled out. She moved as if to charge towards Seth but Xavier held her back.

"I never thought I would see Sage look so distraught," Aaron whispered.

Seth laughed loudly, his facade gone. Sage roared loudly that has all of us stunned.

Xavier was taken in surprise that his hold on Sage loosened and she charge towards Seth.

"Sage, No!" Jiro shouted but it was no use, she immediately swung her fist at Seth. No one blinked and everyone held their breath, shock and fear took over their faces, not for themselves but for Sage.

Sage fist made contact. But not at its target but straight at the palm of Seth.

He laughed while gripping her hand tightly, while Sage struggled?

"J-Sage!" Jake shouted, he ran to help her but was blocked by one of the rouges, who jumped straight to his neck. That triggered me to run between them. I pushed the wolf and held his snout in one my hands and the other wrapped around his neck, ready to end it but that bastard's voice stopped me from doing so.

"Kill one of my men and I will not hesitate to kill her!" Seth stated his grip of Sage tightening but Sage was unfazed by this and still continued to fight against his hold. I gritted my teeth force myself to release the rouge, throwing him away from me and Jake.

Nobody from our side made advances to attack them, not wanting to risk their Luna's life.


Bullshit! I mentally screamed trying to escape from this bastard's hold. I kept fighting against his grip while scolding myself for letting my anger take control of me and forgetting all of my trainings.

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