13-Vow Forever

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The school bell rang and whilst everyone slowly walked as if practicing for the slow paced funeral march planned soon Clarissa sprinted home to start searching for Brett.

She drove to the mountains to the rough side to the posh side. Up and down town and around and around. Whilst she wanted to find him, it drove her crazy how innocent he was he was still hiding from the law and anyone wanting to find him. Adding to their suspicions of his guilt.

For the last time Clarissa decided to circle the mountain and found him close to the edge. Careful not to startle him she approached with care. As he turned his eyes were reder than ever. He spoke in fractured sentences as he approached me and L held out her arms for an open hug. He sobbed and he began reminiscing about the warning off the law and Jade and everyone in his past he seemed to upset or destroy.

" I'm going L." He sobbed quietly now as they sat in Lissa's car. " I've destroyed a whole town now. And you." Shaking her head she placed her hand under his chin and lightly kissed him. " You're innocent." He never replied. " Right!"
" Please say you are!"
Clarissa lost her cool as he kept silent wiping his eyes on her jacket draped around his shivering frame. " Course I am. I left when you went inside. I woke up to the same news but thought I best go away."
" People think your guilty. On the radio coming here I heard a watch had been stolen and that it was being treated as a burglary gone wrong. Unless you have this watch and killed Montgomery by mistake you're not guilty!" Clarissa ran out of breath reassuring Brett he was innocent yet he wouldn't believe himself even when he knew he done nothing.

Brett being Brett managed to clear his head enough to wire Clarissa's radio up to the polices using equipment in the boot of her car which she never knew was there.
The usual reports of speeding and drugs in Brett's old neighbourhood arose but the one that interested Clarissa the most was the latest report.

An arrest warrant... for Brett Phelps!!!

Fear pricked him eyes as he saw his future in jumpsuits and regularly scheduled visits.
" Drive!" He instructed.
" Drive me to the train tracks." Realising Clarissa wouldn't he hopped in the drivers seat and sped to the train tracks on the outskirts of town.

Jumping out of the car he began to run towards the tracks. Scared of what he may do Clarissa followed him. Instead of laying on the tracks as once presumed he stood waiting, staring into the distance.

" I'm gunna jump on a train. I'll phone when I reach somewhere." Refusing to let him go Clarissa began to ask a dozen questions then stopped herself after babbling three. She had a plan.

" You're innocent. Yah? I know you're innocent. Do you know who can't testify against you? Your wife!" Clarissa began to look deranged as she formulated a plan of elopement and testimonies and laws. Stopping her Brett declared his next journey to a alone and looking single. Not taking no for a answer she blurted the one thing she wished to say romantically.

" I love you! I love you Brett! And I'll be damned if you think you're running away without me. You stay here or you run, either way it's with me." Breathless already she risked all the breath left in her lungs to kiss Brett passionately as the train passed and they were interlocked in a kiss with passion only reserved for married couples on their wedding night. " L!" Brett grinned, scared no more. " I love you too Clarissa and I always will." Returning the passionate kiss sirens were heard in the distance, gradually getting closer.

As if all at once every car from their little town descended on the exact point two teenagers stood looking guilty on the glare of headlights and torches in the dusk.

Arrests were made that night. Both of them ended up in a police cell for trespassing yet both were released without charge. With trespassing at least. Brett was kept in custody.

After being interviewed he was allowed to see those waiting at reception before being properly booked. " I'm sorry I stopped you from going," Clarissa pleaded for forgiveness as guilt piled it's weight on her as the image of him being led away in handcuffs plagued her mind. " Don't be. I'm innocent and I'm going to stand my ground. I love you." His eyes were flooded with emotion and for once it wasn't anger. Gone were the angry eyes and slumped shoulders of the boy who first walked into Clarissa's house all them many months ago. Now a man stood before her. A dazzling smile plastered to him face, an educated boy who doesn't view the world as hell but as a land of opportunity. He shares the values and dreams of the girl of his dreams. The one who parted the clouds. As cliche as that sounds.

" Once I'm out of these cuffs. Let's go. Let's travel. I want to show you all those places you raved about sitting alone together in the car. I love you Clarissa."

" Forever."
Kissing him he was led away remanded in custody until a court date because the idiots of the law thinks a wayward kid is always going to be wayward and that wayward kid who committed the crime that may have been self inflicted had to be Clarissa's love of her life.

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