2-Red Plaid

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Every time the two teens passed each other their glares could've put each other six foot under, the hatred Brett had for the upper working class was clear by his facial expressions. He was quite around the rest of the family yet made it clear to Lissa when in private.

He wanted to stay under the radar and quietly let  the two years he has to stay there pass him by. His host family tip toed around the subject of his past and managed to only find the good in each story he was forced to retell, in every emotion they were compassionate and unlike most families didn't treat him like a criminal but as a teen in need of love and family. This made Brett rethink his opinion of his hosts and think of his own family.
His mother on the missing persons list. His father in the grave
And his wayward brother living it up in luxury after his stint in prison.
To think...

There's a different way of living.

Just as Brett was enjoying his time in the five bedroom home, living the life of Riley compared to the streets, Steven, as he insisted to be called sprung the horrible news on him during breakfast. " Brett as you know," he began in a rough morning voice, hurrying to finish his mouthful of bacon, " I'm head of Riverbank Private School, you may not see it as a brilliant opportunity but you'll see it's an new door for you to open... I've wriggled a few wires.." Brett had a feeling he knew where it was going, " I've managed to get you a place in my school, baring in mind you'll be a pupil, and living with me or not you'll be treat like a pupil. Unfortunately, as you're not yet 18 you do have to attend school so as much as I'd like to give you a chance, it is compulsory."

Anger rose in Brett, a private school! A uniform! The head as his host family! Silently he made his opinions known and waltzed to his temporary room to find his uniform lying freshly pressed on the bed. A white shirt, a red plaid tie and black trousers and a blazer. With no professional shoes he reluctantly dressed in the expected uniform changing his blazer for a leather jacket and grumpily stormed down the stairs, his boots thundering against the staircase.

Surprised at the lack of care Steven had for his absent blazer he climbed into the back of the car and silently watched the trees pass him by as Steven drove to Riverbank Private School with him minus Clarissa. Stepping out of the car he saw the car park littered with teachers cars and realised he was in the teachers car park. Thankful that none of the students saw him and the headmaster, Brett got escorted into the main building and straight to the heads office.

The furniture matched the uniform as he sat down on a red sofa and Steven sat opposite. After explaining the typical rules he was given a timetable yet refused a map of the campus. Looking around he believed he could handle this place for a year or so. The fact that he's 16 and unable to drop out of school bothered him as he saunted to his first year 11 class. His first class since year 7!
The bell gave a loud shrill which filled the hallways and the corridor became a stampede of small teens hurrying to first lesson whilst the soon- to-be leavers hung back to wait for the swarm of late adolescent to disperse.

Lissa and her friend Gabriella reached there first class and rushed to the furthest seats at the back of the class. The teacher late as usual the girls began talking about Lissa's new addition to the family. It all a joke to Gabby she was laughing all the way through Lissa's story. The door opened and Gabby's jaw dropped, she flipped her peach hair and smiled towards the front. Hottie alert!

Spinning around Lissa's face rapidly grew red underneath her makeup. Brett Phelps!! Gabby noticed Lissa's demeanour change and realised the hot and tousled boy was Clarissa's new resident.

Angry and nervous Lissa reached for her locket at her throat to find it missing! Forgetting she showered his morning at took it off she reached for her shoulder length fawn hair and fidgeted with it. How could her life get any worse.
Brett noticing Clarissa's lack of comfort and smirked a swoon worthy smirk all before winking at a gawping girl to the left of his seat, in plain sight of every other girl in the class.
Giving up Clarissa kept her head on the desk even when the teacher arrived.

Clapping the classes attention back to the front the teacher began to take attendance. Every pupil was awake and alert, gazing at Brett.
No one realised Clarissa's mumble as the teacher called out "Clarissa Morgan" and paused.."Brett Phelps"...everyone turned as he spoke in a pretend posh voice " Present Madame" the class burst into hysterics as Mrs Hastings continued attendance. " The class clown has arrived I see." Mrs Monte declared with a faux excitement.

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