6- Extracurricular Activities

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Never been to Matthew's house Clarissa was in awe of his family's home. He had a grand driveway paved with sandstone coloured bricks. The foundation in the middle of the driveway which split the drive into three was of a pretty young woman from Ancient Greece. On the path they took there was six garages, one in which they rolled into. The path to the left led to the stables apparently and the path straight ahead lead to the paved courtyard at the front of the house where all other party attendees parked their cars.

You heard the music before you saw the party. The decks were in the marbles floored passage under the two curved stairways with connected in a fairytale staircase way. A DJ was working hard as hundreds of people swarmed the passage and the dinning room and kitchen. The conservatory and living room doors was locked but all the young adults had access to all but three bedrooms.

Wandering off for a drink Brett left Clarissa and Matt and not before too long Matts hand was on the crease of her back slowing crawling lower with each step, even as Lissa dispensed a drink from the tens of water dispensers modified to hold alcohol, his hand was gradually getting lower. After shoving him off for the fifth time she sighed and let him touch her bottom as he wished.

As it was early the couple partied. Dancing appropriately on the dance floor to all the decade old songs which everyone knew. They danced close yet being highly intoxicated he pulled her closer by her hips kissing and swaying with her in time to the track.

The playlist soon got dirty as the drunk grinding and inappropriate dancing and the "tango" was soon visible around the whole house. Lissa enjoyed it, Matt danced and enjoyed himself with her and was proud to kiss her in public and show her off. Before 12 half of the dispensers had been drained dry as clear by the lack of sober teens.

Reliving herself from dancing she went to get a drink yet once she came back Matt was gone. Looking about the house for him she resided outside the house  by the lake, a decorative bandstand behind her lighting up the surrounding area.

Suddenly about half an hour after Matt's disappearance a young boy in a tux carried a note out to her and handed her it.

'Sorry for ditching but I've got a surprise in store. Remember the promise you made in my car today. Well your wish shall be granted and you'd never forget it. Meet me in my room ( 3rd Door on the right hand side of the passage leading the the left at the top of the staircase)
Till then

Sighing at his poor directions she smiled and looked at her phone 12:18. Thinking of ways to kill time she stared at the ducks on the lake, the ducklings swimming behind in a row, no ugly duckling in sight. Unexpectedly her thoughts of Matt was interrupted when a throat was cleared. She turned to find Brett leaning against the bandstand in him devilishly devious way. " What you out here for? Mat finished his meat?" Smirking and in spite she thrusted the letter at him as he read the letter. " Since when does sex have to be scheduled, you sound like just another prostitute to him. How much he paying you, first time I'm guessing must be a heavy bit-" anger boiling over Lissa slapped him and stormed away leaving him speechless.

Recovering from his stunned episode he caught up to her apologising. " Hey! I'm sorry I just don't have a filter your not a prozzy." Anxious about the truth in his words she sighed and sat down on a grey stone bench followed by Brett.

"Do you really think he thinks of me as meat?" Refusing to meet her eyes he shrugged. " I don't know the relationship , it's just what I've seen of his personality seems like someone who uses something once and throws it away." Silenced by his observant remark the conversation halted.
Staying in silence for half an hour, Lissa looking at the stars. Unknowingly , Brett looking at her.

Checking her phone she saw it was almost time. Leaving to allow her time to get lost she sought to find the room in which he described.

Looking down at the note once again she finally gained the confidence to knock on the door. When Matt didn't open the door she knocked again a little louder.

Finally giving up she spun around and knocked into someone who was dressed as a maid. After apologising the old woman spoke with broken English and a thick Spanish accent. " Who are u seeing?" Smiling Clarissa politely replied " Matts room is this it?" Nodding she pointed to the door behind them. Thanking her Clarissa decided to check the door handle.

Finding it unlocked she gingerly walking in treading on the neatly placed rose petals leading through his apartment sized bedroom. His room was huge, white painted with black decorations looking more like a hotel room than a homely teenaged boys room, no posters, no souvenirs, no sign of living.

Not to ruin the surprise she followed the red stream of rose petals to the bedroom, the door ajar she knocked again yet no one replied. Shrugging she entered.

The bed was a king sized  four poster bed with black duvets and white silk pillows. The room was magnificent, what she didn't like was who occupied the room.

On the bed was two sweating messes. Matt and a long blonde haired mess. " Matthew?" This time he heard her. Turning around he was mortified. " Who the fu-"
" It's not what it looks like." Matt shouted shielding his bit on the side from my view.  Sitting up the other culprit poked her head from around Matt.

Chloe! Germain!
The long luscious locks belonged to Chloe Germain, the girl who she'd  known since she was three. The girl who'd seen Lissa at her worst and best. The one person who she could trust despite the fact not talking to her every single day. Clarissa's  best friend all the way through school!

Not even bothering to use violence she saw the look of guilt and recognition on Chloe's face and stormed off. Behind her she heard an angry and hushed conversation. " Wait Lissa. Stop. Please."

Not stopping she waltzed down the staircase not showing any sign of the extra activities her boyfriend has been getting up to. Grabbing her leather jacket and a bottle of vodka, she pushed herself through the crowds of people lingering around he exit and out into the late night air.

It wasn't until she had reached the driveway that she let the waterworks stream down her face. In a drunken and depressed daze she jumped ten foot when someone placed their arm around her shoulders. Brett.

" Whatsup Lissa?" Shaking her head he stopped in front of her and grabbed her shoulders. " Clarissa why are you crying and not sharing your alcohol?" Chuckiling she sat down on a bench half way down his driveway which was shielded by some high rose bushes.

" You were right... about Matthew." Feeling Brett tense she put her head in her hands and began crying more. " I caught him with Chloe Germain. In bed. In the same room." It was a while before she looked up, making sure Brett was still there. He was. But he was sitting there tense and staring down at the ground. "Brett?"
" Oh Clarissa sorry I just want to-"
" Your not doing anything." She insisted, resting her hand on his knee until she felt him relax.

" We're growing closer and... that is not something I ever wanted to say." Chucking Lissa got up and dusted herself off. " Oh my you care for than yourself...Joking!" She confirmed seeing anger rising. " Come on its nearly 4am, we best get back home." Getting up she drank the rest of the vodka in one go, dizzy from the quick flow of spirits she swayed and continued on her way after chucking her alcohol bottle, Brett falling slowly into step with her.

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