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The story had circulated around school four times and each time it was different. There was some rough heads even two days later but the memories of that night seemed to be cemented into everyone's brain. And the aftermath of it, no one can forget soon.

Standing in front of the whole year group was three uniformed officers, all of whom were eerily staring out every individual. Clarissa and Gabby sat at the back, their hand on one another's knee as the news is broken and our rumours are proven right.

"Last night an important and well loved member of our school was taken from us. The details have not yet been given out as the family do not wish to publish them but here with the information given to us is PC Yarmouth." Lissa's dad stood at the front of the room grief stricken at the news he received early this morning. The officer presumably named Yarmouth stepped forward and addressed the audience with despair but also suspicion.

" The school and police is aware of the party the other night, no need to deny it. The business we are here today for is what occurred around 1am the next morning. Thanks to autopsy reports we know a pupil from this school died. The possibility of murder is being looked at but however the circumstances could still lead to a mishap due to excessive alcohol consumption. To add to the despair, burglary could have played a part in this, a burglary gone wrong. Due to the nature in which this male was found, the time of death is presumed 1am yet it could have been earlier.

Looking around the room only two males were missing.
Matthew.... Brett!!

Mouthing to my dad he gave a slight shake of the head as she mouthed Brett. She could feel  heart resuming regular heart beat  as Gabby held her up so she wouldn't topple off her chair.

The assembly hall erupted into chaos as names and predictions and the guilty parties name or potential name was shouted out. Lissa's  stomach fell as all that could be heard was the name Brett. And after the uproar between them, the possibility of ill kill you before you kill me is totally plausible however I know Brett. And he wouldn't kill. Not intentionally and not after his checked path.

Clarissa's eyes locked with her dads as her completion began to whiten and she visibly began feeling sick. Scenarios were running through Lissa's  head. Reasons why he may have or may not have injured Matt. Other predictions also ran through her head, along with everyone else's. Maybe it was a break in. Maybe it was alcohol. Maybe it was someone in here.

Neither girl could think straight as everyone was glad as they were dismissed from the tension filled assembly hall. Although not before one last blow from PC Yarmouth. " Throughout today my colleges and I will be conducting interviews and getting statements from each individual. Those with information will come forward first and unfortunately those wth close relations to the victim will be interviewed last to avoid any misconceptions
throughout the process.

The day dragged from that moment on. Lessons were interrupted all day. Pupils flooded in and out all day, making my nerves hit the ceiling as less and less people had not had a turn.
Finally Gabby returned along with another girl who presumably may have had some altercation or relationship with Matt the way her eyes were blood red.
" Your turn." Gabby whispered in Clarissa's ear as she passed and Lissa gingerly walked out of the class cursing her own  heart for beating so loud.

Knocking Clarissa entered the principals office and found two officers sitting  behind her dads desk. Neither looked impressed and warily she had to look down to check that her stomach hadn't completely dropped out of her body just yet.

" Please. Take a seat." Nervously Clarissa sat in the leather chair which must have been placed here for interview purposes due to this chair never being in here before. This cemented the idea that she was nervous and it was the first time she'd entered feeling trapped by the door that shit behind her.

"I believe you had a previous relationship with Matthew?" The older the of two officers jumped right to the point as his fingers would entwined with his long beard. Nodding L began to reclaim et voice. " Yes sir. However we ended the relationship a while back."
" And are you in a relationship right now?" Angered by his obvious assumptions she spoke out of line too quickly to take it back. " And what does my personal life have to do with a ex boyfriend!" Breathing she apologised. " Yes I was in a relationship but now it is complicated."
" And I believe this complicated relationship is with a fellow student here who is currently living with your family. Brett? Is that correct?" The younger officer questioned. " Yes." Was all Clarissa could muster.
" Is it true your best friend and boyfriend we'll call him had an public argument and then your ex boyfriend and current boyfriend had another brawl?" Nodding the officers began to scribble notes down on their yellow lined paper creased off years of unuse.

" I can assume what you're thinking at the moment. A bad boy with a checked past is not present today and may have a motive to to kill Matty but I can vouch. He wouldn't. I know him." Ignoring her plea to stop acting as if Brett was the culprit they continued with the interview.

" Matthew Montgomery was found faced down him his jacuzzi with a wound on his head. It is believed he may have been pushed and the impact with the jacuzzi floor killed him on impact. You're boyfriend and yourself was spotted talking outside approximately half an hour before the incident occurred."
Baffled by the sudden flow of information she calculated the timings and counter argued the claims.

" Are you recording this?" They nodded and the proved the wrong in one quick statement. " Gabby and I was on the jacuzzi side at ten last midnight. Matty joined us around half 12. I saw Brett at 1am on the patio and stayed in the joining room until the cops showed up at half 2. One of us would've heard an altercation and the police would've discovered either Brett or the aftermath of an altercation once they checked the property. So your timings are incorrect and Matty could've died way after your predictions but if not your officers didn't do a good job at securing the perimeter of the property!" Mentally high giving herself she was pleased at their stunned looks on their smug faces as they claimed that was all and dismissed her.

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