4-New Pupil Problems

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After that night after school Brett and Lissa barely spoke yet every now and then Gabby noticed Clarissa reaching for her locket around her neck every time Brett was mentioned.Knowing it was a comfort blanket when Lissa is scared, nervous or in trouble she always gave Lissa the concerning eyes which was rightfully returned after the previous night stint with drugs.

Gabby may be clean and there's been no sign that Brett had started smoking again but Lissa is someone who loves to help and is curious when there is a clear problem or unspoken feelings. She was determined to find out what is hurting Brett inside.
It wasn't even lunch and a fight had broken out, you'd think being in a posh school reduces the amount of fights. Wrong.

Gabby and Clarissa had just came out of French class when Clarissa's waist was grabbed tightly pulling her in to the manly musk of men millions aftershave. Matthew Montgomery. His smile wooed the girls and his deep blue eyes could drown a poor girl. Spinning Lissa around she came face to face with his collarbones, visible despite his quite athletic stature.  " Hey baby girl." His voice made her swoon yet his intellect and knowledge not so much, he was all brawn and looks and no brain! Giving him a sweet smile they began walking towards their next class hand in hand, Gabby chatting to his best friend Ben.

All of a sudden voiced echoed around the walls, the sound coming from the dinning hall. " FIGHT!FIGHT!FIGHT!" It was a scramble and hundreds of kids had loitered around to see this rare spectacle of two year 11 battling it out. All was visible was a mass of blonde and black hair. The fight continued, from standing positions to squabbling on the floor, the against the kitchen counter, crashing into the tables. It wasn't till the vice-principles voice boomed above the excited year 7s that they saw who was involved.
Lance Damon and... Brett Phelps!

The blonde mess was Lance, lying flat on his back one hand clutching his bleeding nose, one hand clutching his arm. Brett however came out without a scrape, a cut above his eye was his only battle scar. Lissa and Gabby shared a silent glance which meant everything.

Lance is Gabbys ex-boyfriend and is the biggest jerk going, he would start a fight. Yet Brett. Criminal record and juvie. Who'd start the fight. Without warning Gabby ran over to the scene tending to her on-again-off- again love interest. Following her Clarissa stood spell bound in the centre of the fighting circle unsure as to who to aid. Storming over to Brett her voice was laced with concern hidden by anger. " What was that?" He shrugged and began to walk away, grabbing his arm she repeated her question as if talking to a three year old. " He came on to me okay? What was I supposed to do?"
" Leave it. Have a clean record and be able to walk away in a couple of years Scott free." She shook her head like a disappointed parent. " You wouldn't stand around if that scum of the earth was insulting and commenting on topics he didn't know about, would you?" Lissa demeanour changed and anger began to boil towards the floppy haired freak.

Giving a sideways glance to Gabby fussing over Lance he pushed Brett towards the door into the oncoming swarm of senior staff. " Come on." Reluctantly he allowed her to push him through the crowd .

Just before she left the dinning hall a dweeb bellowed over everyone, "Losing your girl to a juvenile Matty!" Scowling he dismissed the comment whilst shaking her head at Matthew.

It wasn't until they were outside her fathers office till she realised he was bleeding slightly. Tugging him towards the restrooms he was forced into the girls toilets and made to stand still whilst Lissa cleaned him up. Being a handy first aid box in the toilets she grabbed the antiseptic wipes and cleaned his cut along his eyebrow causing him to flinch. " Stay still." Her voice still has anger rippling off it. Next she moved onto his knuckles when Brett's temper ran out. " I don't need you or anyone tending to me! It was that dickheads fault he was on the floor, he didn't know what he was dabbling in!" He paced the toilets, kicking the doors. Grabbing hold of his wrists Clarissa fixed him in place. " He's not worth ending up in jail for. If u thought juvie was bad jails much worse!" Inching closer to Lissa, he had a evil glint in his eye she edged backwards away from him till her back hit the cold pale wall. Her breath caught in her throat as his eyes softened and he realised his actions. Releasing her hands from against the wall he stepped away. " I'm sorry.. it's just... thanks." He sped out of the toilets whilst Clarissa tried to right herself again.

Seeing he was in the principles office she reluctantly went to find her boyfriend and find out if Lance was okay.
" Its only the third weeks on a Friday too and your in trouble already. I'm not blaming you but your the most likely culprit of this squabble. What happened?" Brett sat silently in the red chair opposite Mr Morgan's desk, the stern headmaster glare was present on his face as Brett kept his mouth shut. " It wasn't me, he spoke about things he didn't know about." Refusing to say anymore he was dismissed.
Upon finding Lance and Matthew Clarissa wasn't the only audience member to Lance's ever exaggerated story. From what she gathered Lance mentioned his previous convictions and the name ' Santana' a poor girl who's life was changed by him. Playing the big man Lance also involved his family. For anyone who'd listen he twisted the sorry each time creating a whirlwind game of Chinese whispers.

After the excitement of an early fight Lissa and Matty finally made it to lunch, behind the shaded art classroom, Matthew, to Clarissa distaste, wanted her for lunch. Stopping him any further she decided to say what's been on her mind. " Matty. You know we've never been on a date right?" All of a sudden he looked nervous. " Well. I've been busy babe." Folding her arms he caved to her continuous pleading. " Tomorrow, me and you. Craig's having a party tomorrow night but I'll take you out at lunch then we'll finish the night at the party in who knows which bed." He smirked at his last comment as Lissa once again stopped him. " No promises you said slow at first." Nodding he kissed her goodbye as the bell rang. Taking off be ungentlemanly shouted the plans above the noise of the rush of children indoors. " Pick you up at noon, nothing to fancy well change into party clothes afterwards." Sighing Clarissa took of to her afternoon classes.

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