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Lissa never heard from Brett since that night in the mountain but when he never shown up at school she finally decided to look for him.

As soon as the final bell of that day rang shrilly throughout the full corridors she jumped into the car with Gabby and headed to 'his' side of town known as the west side hoping to find him in his old hiding place.

Making Gabby drop her off a few blocks away, she walked the rest of the way herself, keeping a fight grip on her purse as she double checked all alley ways before crossing in front of them.

Beginning to relax as she recognised the home from Brett's earlier description, she soon learned the relaxation was short lived as she was soon stopped with a blockade of young boys a few years younger but at least a foot taller. Behind them she could see the house she was looking for, an older male playing football with several other young boys yards away from her.

Ignoring the blockade she began to step around them when they all side stepped to stop her progressing forward. " And why is a posh tart like you walking around a place like this? Something so pretty shouldn't be wandering these dark and dangerous streets, you never know who is lurking around the next corner. " Look I want to be here as much as you want me here I'm just looking for someone."
" Your in some deep trouble associating with someone from this part of town. What is it we can help you with? Drugs? Sex? You want a hitman?"
Rolling her eyes she gained a low growl from the beefier of the five boys. " Neither. I'm looking for Brett Phelps. Is he around?" They boys seemed shocked at the name, leading Clarissa to believe he wasn't around.

"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. The last time he was around he was under investigation. But you never know once you live here it never leaves you..." the spokesman of the group began to make her blood boil as his cryptic messages and suggestion were clearing aggravating her. " Tell me if he's here." Her tone lowered as she demanded a straight answer. " Or what princess?" He teased his dirty hand caressing her cheek making her squirm. All of a sudden his face contorted into pain as her knee made contact with his balls and his stomach was a victim to her uppercut. As he crouched to the ground another two boys approached her. One getting a high heel to his ribs the rest of the standing group backed away with hands in the surrender position.

" Oy! Phelps!" The first one shouted towards the house in surrender. " Get your girl before she stops the rest of us lot having kids!" His voice laced with pain as we all looked towards the house where the young boys were playing outside of.

Brett walked about complaining about being disturbed when he saw Clarissa standing in a semi circle of boys twice her size, three of them lying in pain on the ground.

A small smile began to creep into his face before he realised that Clarissa was in the middle of the west side of the city. Alone.
" What the hell are you doing here?" He exclaimed. Taken back by his abrupt question her voice began to be laced with anger. " Oh I'm sorry. I just wanted go make sure you weren't somewhere in danger. Clearly your completely fine alone." Left speechless he looked at the guys around him.

" Did you touch her Jim?" He asked the first male whom Lissa had kneed. Nodding his head slightly he kicked him as he tried to get up. " I would say you shouldn't be here without protection... but I can see your fine on your own!" He humoured as he looked proud.

" You know how to pick 'em Phelps!" Jim admitted as he finally recovered. " She ain't my girl freak!" Brett seemed insulted at his statement. Once that debate was sorted Jim looked nervous as his group stood around Brett and Lissa. " Now take your girl outta here. Before she permanently damages someone!" His group stepping back Brett was able to drag Lissa away from the west side and into a better part of town.

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