5- Movies with Mongomery

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Brett hadn't spoken to Clarissa since the incident in the bathroom yesterday yet seeing Lissa in her art studio through the open door he ventured over to quietly look at her masterpieces. Being the clumsy guy he is, Brett opened the door slightly too wide so Lissa realised the change in the door position. " What do you want?". Trying to hide his reason for being there he complimented her drawing: a couple on top of a rock looking out to sea with a lighthouse to the left with the sun behind it creating shadows of sunset and a boat sailing off into the horizon. " Amazing drawing. That a date you've been on?" He chuckled as a response as he cleared up his suspicion " No?"
" Thanks, but no it's not a date I've been on, you think Matt's a one for dates?" She chuckled to herself hiding her disappointment. " Nah he's a crap boyfriend, only wants meat." Recognising Brett's angry face she stopped and brushed her comment off. " I wouldn't get angry, he'll grow out of it soon, or I'll move to college one of the two." Knowing he won't win he just chucked.

Realising there no time like the present he apologised once more for his behaviour. Smiling slightly her sweet smile turned into a smirk once she thought of her question. " Yesterday. You said he was talking about something he didn't know about. I asked Lance. He said he was talking about your convictions and your family. I was thinking. You live under my roof and I know about neither of them. What's your story?" After a minute of silent consideration as to whether he should leave, Clarissa won and he stayed. " My brother is in America living it up in wealth after he spent time in jail. Somehow he got released and within a year was over in America living the glamour life. I was only 12 when he got released so working it out correctly he's been released for 4 years and I've never saw him in 3 years. As for my parents..." he stopped pain etched on his face. " My dads dead. My mothers missing." Clarissa could see the pain in his eyes which he tried to hide so she didn't push. " You don't hav-" he stopped her, " I've met your family I should return the favour. " My father died 10 years, my mother told me he died in the army but my brother found him dead in the bathroom with a load of pills in his hand." She gasped, sympathy clear on her face, the story was painful even for Lissa just to hear. " My mo..mother" she stopped him, her hand on his stopping him from revealing what he didn't want. Shaking if off he gave the lame excuse of owing it to her. " When my brother was locked up 5 years ago, she disappeared. At first we suspected she'd went drinking and hooked up with someone for a week, she'd done it before. After two weeks I began to think she topped herself like my dad. Every case where a body was found anywhere in England I looked. I started to face the fact she wasn't coming back. I began to live on my own, stealing occasionally for food. The baylifts soon came for the house. I ran." Tears pricks his eyes. " I found a run down home two blocks form mine on the west side of town. I found out it was a sort of refuge for homeless teens who weren't in care. 11 year old and living basically homeless. I stole ive got to admit, I fought. I survived. It was what I had to do. I learned all I know during that year. A year later I ran into my brother in the town. He had a flat not far from our old house. After various arguments between him and I I started loving with him and lived there for a year. He has prostitutes around the house, drug lords, business men. Just over a year later I came home from school. It was the middle of year 7 and I found a note attached to the tv. ' I've gone to America, I've registered Mam as missing and said I've taken you with me to America. Be safe' he basically left me to fend for myself as according to authorities I was in America. He only left me £1000. I resided in the old run down home and fended for myself. The police soon realised I wasn't in America once I'd gotten into trouble but to save me from going into care was Trevor, he was a man who basically lived a few doors down form the 'children's home' ill say and got us out of trouble when we were brought to his after we gave them his address.He was like that old man in Oliver Twist, looking after all the kids." Failing a chuckle he continued, "I still live there really but once I went to juvie he stopped protecting me like he did with every kid. Everything is near enough resolved except my mothers still missing. Now you see why I kicked off when he mentioned my family?" Clarissa got up and went to hug him, tears filled her eyes. Refusing sympathy his hard exterior and sort of barrier came back up and his voice was cold once more " As for my convictions. Google should tell you!" He stormed back out and Clarissa began to draw again. The change in his tone all throughout that conversation diminished her concentration and made her curious of his life and convictions. Shaking it off she saw she had an hour to get ready for her date.
Flaunting a casual outfit and minimal makeup Clarissa looked in her mirror popping her lips as she finished her look with a red lip. The black jeans hugged her wide hips and elongated her legs through their tightness. Her cleverage wasn't a visible as usual as he wore a dark blackcurrant long sleeves t-shirt with fake black leather elbow patches. Her heeled hiking style boots finished the look. She didn't do anything fancy with her hair as she brushed it straight.
Shrugging a black bomber jacket on she left her room and saw Brett exit the bathroom adjacent to her room. " Yah or nah?" She casually asked. " Not your typical style.... u look great." An actual compliment... she thought. He seemed pained to pay her the compliment as she waltzed down the staircase and out of the house.

Matthew was waiting at school for her. He never brought her home or made a move to meet her family. Climbing in his Porsche he sped off to the more middle class section of town. Quizzing him on his location of the date he rudely replied with the fact he didn't want to be seen in the posh area. Unsure how to take it she didn't respond as she climbed out and walked into the cinema.

Uncharacteristically being a gentleman he paid for the tickets and popcorn whilst she stood idly by like a mute toy. Sneaking into the movie late after a quick kissing session in the disabled toilets. The movie was an unknown fantasy film, her favourite.

They snuck to the back row and cuddled into him whilst his hands wandered to her bum, not taking any notice she continued to watch the movie whilst angered him. In a playful way he grabbed her chin and began to kiss her. To their amusement they never saw the rest of the movie and was only brought back to reality once a security guard escorted them out. Full of apologies they ran to him car and continued to make out.

His hands roamed aimlessly throughout, slowly he took her top off swiftly showing off his previous practice. Leaving her bra intact for now he moved to her jeans, unbuttoning them she paused. Slowing down his understood. Very quickly his hands were back to her hips. Noticing the daylight still present she paused again. " It's daytime. In the middle of a parking lot." Sighing Matthew composed himself once more just nodding, his face clearly gave away his unhappiness. Whilst it supported her meat theory unknown confidence flooded through her. She was ready.
" Tonight" she leaned over to whisper "Someone's bed you promised right?" Smirking to herself she saw him squirm and his jeans tighten. Mumbling in a incoherent way she took that as a yes. " What should I wear to the party then? Tight? Short? Something you can get off easily?" Silently pleased with how uncomfortable he was she allowed her hands to travel south slowly running her hand up and down his thigh. " All three sounds good." Smiling at her handy work she grabbed his hand and kissed the back of his hand before composing herself and waiting for him to drive back so she could get ready.
Strangely, he dropped her off outside of her house. Promising she'll be ready soon she ran upstairs to change. Shaking in anticipation of the events planned tonight she reached into the back of her wardrobe to grab the dress she bought for special slutty occasions only. It was a emerald tight minidress which was detailed with lace and stopped mid thigh, hugging her hips and breasts. Pulling on skin coloured tights her legs would be shielded from the cold she sat down to touch up herself smudged makeup and messed up hair.
After deciding between light pink and rusty red or cranberry she chose a cranberry eyeshadow and glitter. Lining her eyes she applied dark purple matte lipstick. Quickly styling her fawn hair into beach waves she grabbed her black stilettos and black clutch.

Outside she ran to the car as the chill of the wind caught her. " Where u going?" It was Brett in the garden. " None of your business." Feeling guilty she shouted over the roar of Matthews engine that she's attending a party. Matty shouted rude comments about Brett to Lissa which in tern Lissa gave Matt a stern scolding. Once again out of the ordinary Matthew got out of his blue Porche and extended his hand to Brett. " Look mate, it's not us that fought today. I've no hard feelings. Let's settle the air.... tag along with us to the party." With Lissa pleading sign Brett with her eyes he followed Matthew to the car.

" Wish you weren't with this asshole L." Shocked at his sudden nickname he frowned at her outfit. " You say he looks at you like meat yet you dress like that." Disappointment evident on his face she began to regret pleading with him. " All I want is a relationship with whom I like and who are you anyway! My dad!" Angry at his remarks she climbed in the front seat whilst Brett was forced in the back. Quickly Matthew sped off to his to avoid fighting for a space at his own house.

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