1-New Company

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Clarissa, for as long as she can remember has had a delinquent sleeping in the room adjacent to her bedroom, normally her parents played house with females and a male visitor every so often. But as she grew older her parents refused any males as their thoughts were on Clarissa and the legality of her ever looming 16th Birthday.

She wasn't expecting to come home to a grim household and a nervous looking delinquent dressed in faded black jeans and a ripped navy jacket. So not realising the company she was in Clarissa ran to her room and changed out of her uniform into her blackest jeans and leather jacket before staining her lips red.

Her father bellowed from the living room, ordering her to cancel her plans to come downstairs. As soon as she saw the newest resident her mouth dropped at the sex appeal rippling from his quite demeanour.
"Clarissa.. meet our newest resident" her mother kindly gestured to the shaggy black haired teen slumped in the corner. He stood, towering 6 inches above her 5 foot 4 figure his voice colder than Greenland in winter, the stranger who now lived under the same roof introduced himself. " Brett," he questioned as if he was asking, raising her eyebrow he sighed as if it was rude to silently ask for more details he slumped back down onto the chair and offered his hand " Brett Phelps." Smiling Clarissa nodded correcting her fathers high class view of full names, " Call me Lissa." Nodding he kept quite as her father suggested his daughter give Brett a tour.

Following Lissa, she directed him to the kitchen, dining room and conservatory before gesturing towards him to follow her up the winding staircase in the entrance hall. Skipping the tour of the right side of the house which was Lissa's room and art study, angrily she ushered him towards his room, wanting to hurry up as the clocked ticked on and the night began to drain away.

Pushing open the door he wasn't too disgusted at his dark blue walls that matched his jacket and the double bed with matching quilts. A desk stood opposite the door and the built in wardrobes door was slightly open. Sliding open the mirrored panel her eyes seemed to light up at all the still tagged clothing, however Brett didn't look to impressed.
" My parents always do this don't feel special," With attitude she turned to him to see him leaning against the wall. " New clothing is nothing in this house, they think everything is solved with shopping sprees." Rolling her eyes Clarissa slid the door shut and silently clip clapped towards the door careful not to scrape her heels across the laminated floor

" Clarissa." Turning she angrily reminded him of her nickname, shrugging he continued. " Clarissa. Just cause I'm here doesn't mean I want to be here." Rolling her eyes once more her anger climbed up her short stature, the anger visible in her face. " Dont stay then, no one ever does. You'll be gone in two weeks you'll either get kicked out or run off." Dragging his hand through his silky hair he sighed and returned the anger, " I can't, this is my last chance before I'm trialed as an adult, unfortunately I have to stay here and out of trouble."
Unsympathetically Clarissa gave a sarcastic remark about his illegal past. It must have hit a nerve as she was pinned against the door in seconds, one tanned hand on each side of her face, venom laced his voice as he lowered his head to speak in a hushed yet harsh voice. " I may be stuck here but I don't need anything from anyone let alone a prep school rich girl and her family, your family may be giving me a roof and the occasional meal but once I'm in the clear I'm gone. I don't see why I have to be placed in a up town posh tarts home." The venom in his voice cut her as her anger reached boiling point.
Pushing back against him, she was unaffected by him and stood her ground. " We aren't posh, I may go to a private school but I'm far from posh, my father is head of the school that's the only reason I attend such a horrid school. If u want posh go to my school, you'll soon see how common we are. But if you don't like the likes of us I won't stop you walking, I may even be as kind as to open the door for you!"

Seething Clarissa open the door and stomped her way down the stairs and out into the streets to meet her friends before dark

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