Chapter 21

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"Karen...where are you going?" he asked.

"I am going out for a date...not that it matters to you...anyway... what are-"

"I am here to tell you something..." he completed

"Can you please date is waiting for me."

"Can you cancel this date of yours..." he slurred.


He pushed me against the wall and held my arms.

"Because I can't bare to see you with any other man, kissing him, going out on dates with him!" he growled.

"Why not?" I whispered due to how close our faces were, I just needed to lean a bit for our lips to connect.

"Because you are mine! You have been mine since we first saw each other in the park! Because I love you! God damn it!"

And then he crashed his lips on mine. I respond to his lips immediately. His arms were around my waist pulling me closer to him and my hands were around his neck, playing with his hair just at his nape.

We were kissing for a while and because I couldn't breathe I pulled away, but he wasn't ready... I guess.. so he started kissing my neck and sucking, licking, biting and then again kissing my lips. While all I was doing was moaning like there was no tomorrow. After a while, he pulled away and said,

"Now they will know that you belong to me," he said with a smile on his swollen lips.

I instantly turned around and saw my neck and my collarbone only to see a hickey to start forming.

"WTH is wrong with you?" I growled.

"Well, I needed the world to know that you are taken by me." he replied casually.

"I am not yours, and you are not mine," I growled once again.

"I don't care anymore. I don't care that you dated my adopted brother, I don't care that you thought that all your Secret Admirers letters were from Chase, I don't care that you are going out on a date. I don't care because I love you! I have loved you since the time you put your jacket around my elbow, I must admit it was funny, but still! I don't care anymore because I have loved you since then, I love you now and I will always love you!" he finished his speech with a serious face.

" are my secret admirer?" I asked.

"Yes! I am! I am the one who sent you Oscar, I am the one who sent you that snow flake bracelet which you are still wearing around your wrist, I am the one who wrote all those letters, and I am the one who sent you that text to not trust Chase." he replied.

"How did-" I started.

"I know all this about you?" he completed.

I nodded.

"Because Chase would always record all the things you would say during his dates with you and I would listen to them." he finished.

" Chase is your adopted brother?" I asked.

"Oh please, don't ask me as if you don't know already, Mr.Park is also my P.I, I know you did a background check on my whole family." he replied.

Just as I was about to continue my interrogation my phone beeped, indicating that I had received a message. I opened the message.

Hey, I am down, but have an urgent meeting to go to right now, let's meet again, later?


And I replied

Ya sure, I am caught up right now too.


And with that, I turned off my phone and sheepishly smiled at my boss, who currently had a murderous look.

"So...instead of going with him for a date, come with me." he spoke after a while.

"And why should I?" I asked.

"Because I want you to be my wife." he blurted.


Oh, Jonathon why don't you understand that many women like their proposal to be romantic. *Facepalms*

Do any of you have any suggestions for Mr.Useless-in-the-romantic-section here?

I hope you all loved the chapter please do leave your views and comments on this chapter, they are very encouraging (well, most of the times.).

This chapter is dedicated to @ErinRandall9 and @MelissaKoi for voting on my chapters, thank you so much, you have no idea how much it means to an author.

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