Chapter 4

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Dear Karen,

I've known you my entire life and you have always dreamed of having a puppy , I still remember how you used to gush about having a puppy. You would never stop talking about having a golden retriever. So here it is, your dream fulfilled.


Secret Admirer.

I was kind of surprised when I read the note because I had never told anyone about my dream of getting a golden retriever.

I had always wanted a sibling or someone in the house. I was brought up by the maids and the butlers in the house. My parents were rarely home, I played with the maids. Since I'm the only daughter now since - I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt that my bed was wet..

"CRAP!" I jumped of my bed. "MARIA! Please come here QUICK!" The dog was staring at me confused. And I looked around the bed and figured out that the dog had not peed on the bed it was actually that while I was so engrossed into my thoughts I had dropped the glass of water which was on my bed side table onto my bed. That's when I realized that it had a collar around its neck.

Before I could touch its collar, Maria barged into the room. I told Maria that my bed was wet and it needed a change of covers. While Maria was in my room changing the covers I took my puppy in my arms and went to the play room.

I took it to the playroom and sat with it on the love couch it twirled around my arms for a while and then started sulking on the couch right by my legs I took this while string at it and admiring it then I noticed a collar around its neck and I grabbed the collar and looked at it , it had a plastic wrapper around the pendant it was a shape of a heart with something inscribed on it. I took of the plastic wrapper which was on the collar. Once I removed the plastic cover, I was stunned , the collar was inscribed with a name. 'Oscar' was inscribed on it. The collar's belt was red in color.

"Oscar! Come her boy!" I called out for Oscar.

He quickly started barking and ran towards me. He climbed on my lap and started licking me. I put on the collar for Oscar and carried him to my room. I was very exhausted after a long day at school and we weren't given homework as well. So I told Maria that I didn't want dinner and that I was going to bed.

After a shower, I was all set to go to bed just as I was about to go into deep slumber, my phone's screen lit up.

I unlocked my phone and saw it was a message from an unknown number which said:

Unknown Number

Good night beautiful!

Love, Secret Admirer.

That night I had slept with a smile on my face and with Oscar snuggled next to me.


Hey guys! Hope you guys liked this chapter!  Please tell me what you guys thin of this chapter. 






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