Chapter 11

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"YAAAYY! I DID IT! I DID IT!" Sara was screaming at the top of her lungs. At the moment we were in the lunch room eating our lunch and Matt was teaching her how to do the bottle flip. And she had finally got it.

"Okay Sara calm down." Jenny said.

"Okay... What happened to you?" Sara asked after settling down from her laughing fit.

"Okay I can't keep it in anymore!" Jenny practically screamed looking at Drake.

"What do you mean?" Sara and I asked her at the same time.

"MyparentsaremovingtoCali,andihavetoaswell!"Jenny rushed.

"What?" Sara and I asked.

"My parents are moving to Cali,and ihave to as well but I don't want to so I am gonna be staying with Drake in his apartment"Jenny clarified.

"OMG! That's awesome!" Sara, who was sitting next to me practically screamed in my ears.

"Yup" I said in agreement with Sara.

And that's how we spent our lunch chatting and laughing.


"So, are you going for that trip?" Jenny asked while walking to the parking lot.

"I don't know are you'll?" I asked.

"Well duh!" both of them replied.

"Okay cool! I am coming too!" I confirmed.

"Cool see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah bye" I hugged both of them and walked to my car.

The whole day I haven't heard at all from Daniel. Not a letter or a message nothing. So I decided to message him.

Hey! How are you haven't heard from you all day.


I sent the message and drove home. I just kept glancing at my phone just to see if he replied.


1 hour passed.

2 hours passed.

3 hours passed.

5 hours passed.

6 hours passed.

He still hadn't replied. I finished my home-work. Took Oscar for a walk watched the full season of 'The Arrow'.

What is wrong with you Karen! Why are you getting so worked up for him? My mind scolded me.

I don't know! I mean he seems nice, and I kind of like him!

There I said it!

Good, now-

"RRRRIIIINNNNGG!" I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my phone rung.

I practically ran to my phone, my heart fluttered my stomach churned it was like my whole world around me stopped. It was a call from him!


"Good evening miss. I am calling from St. George Hospital.I am sorry to disturb you but there was a road accident and the owner of this phone was severely hurt. Could you please come down here."

"Y-yeah I-I'll be there r-right away." I stuttered over the phone.

"Thank you miss."

OMG! He was in a car crash! I have to go see him! I am going to finally meet him!


I drove as fast as possible to the hospital, the receptionist told me that he was in room 215.

I ran up to the room only to see-

"Hello, I am Dr.Sam, are you Karen?"

"Y-Yes Doctor."

"Okay good the patient has only been asking for you, he has a minor concussion but that will be fine nothing to worry except he has a broken foot and arm. You can see him right now."

"Y-Yes t-thank you Doctor."

The Secret Admirer ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang