Chapter 13

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"Okay so what is it?" I walk into Sara's room panting.

"And it better be important or else I will-"

"Calm down! What crawled up your ass and died?" Sara says cocking her head out of her closet.

"Never mind...what happened?" I asked.

"Okay, you know that friend of yours?"

"I have many friends ,which one are you talking about?" I reply, chuckling a little at the end.

"Okay ,okay! Don't praise yourself too much!"

"Your current best-friend got asked out!" Sara squealed.

"Yes! Who is it? Do I know him? Is he cute or hot? Does he have a good personality? Is he nice to you? If not do I need to break his jaw and his nose? Cause the last time you didn't let me kick Adam in his family jewels. So tell me!!" I said excitedly.

So basically Adam is Sara's ex-boyfriend. He is the guy who was a drug addict and left Sara lonely, I wanted to kill him for lying to her, but I couldn't.

"Calm down Kara!"

"His name is Cooper. He is cute and hot. He is awesome and he doesn't need a broken nose or jaw. Understand?"

"Crystal clear." I reply grinning.

"Okay so my date is in an hour-" Sara says while walking to her closet.

"An hour?" I cut her off.

" Okay you know what you shut up sit on your bed cause I need to get you ready for this super-dooper date of yours!" I say half excitedly, half sternly.

*** An hour later.

"Okay you look awesome!" I say excitedly

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"Okay you look awesome!" I say excitedly.

"Are you sure?"

"Ya! He should be here an-" I get cut off her phone going off.

"He is here. I am going wish me luck!" she says hurrying to her front door.

"Bye, all the best!" I call back.



I know this chapter isn't eventful but its an update. 

I have school still going on and so I won't be able to update that much.

But I thank all of you who are reading this right now.

The Secret Admirer ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu