Chapter 5

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"OMG! My face is so soft right now! Thank you so much Sam!

I want to buy the face wash that you just used for me, OMG this feels so go-wait why does it feel like my face is becoming warm?

Sam what's going on?" I asked Sam


I opened both my eyes and got up suddenly only to see Oscar licking my face. Oh lord, that dream just-

"WOOF!" Oscar barked.

"Good morning to you too buddy!"

I then turned to see the clock on my side table. It showed 5:00 A.M.

Ah thank god I didn't oversleep just in time! I petted Oscar then took my towel to the bathroom.

After a nice and relaxing bath I put my fluffy towel around my body and walked to my walk-in closet.

After a mental debate on whether I should wear a blue polka- dot dress which came till my knees and a brown thick leather belt around my waist or a pair of shorts and a off-shoulder white crop top.

I decided to wear the dress.  And brown heels for the feet.

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

When I was just about to sit on my vanity chair is wen I heard my phone beep signaling that I had just received a new message

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

When I was just about to sit on my vanity chair is wen I heard my phone beep signaling that I had just received a new message.

I walked to my bed side table where my phone was kept. I unlocked my phone and saw a message from that same unknown number which had sent me a message last night. It said:

Unknown Number

Good morning beautiful!

❤ Secret Admirer.

I found myself smiling at the message that I had just received. I had never felt so loved since-

"Good morning Karen, your breakfast is ready." said the intercom.

"Okay Maria,I will be down in a sec."

" Umm...okay. And also, what will Oscar have?"

Oh shoot! I totally forgot about Oscar.

"Maria, just tell the driver to go and buy dog food from Target. And once I am back from school I will buy the supplies for Oscar."

"Okay Karen."

I quickly applied mascara and some lip gloss. After that I picked up my backpack which was the foot of my bed and carried Oscar with me to the kitchen


"Heyy Karen!" my friend Sara waved at me once I entered my English class.

"Hey Sahara!" I replied.

"How many times have I told you not to call me Sahara?"

"Maybe a couple times..." I answered.

"UGH! Why do I know you?"

"Because you love me more than Grant Gustin and Harry Styles combined?"

"Ha ha ha! Yup I agree I love you! Anyways I wanted to ask do you want to have a sleep over?"

"OMG! It thought you'd never ask! Did you ask Jenny?"

"Yup! And she is coming too. So we will be coming together. At around 5 and we will get somethings as well..." she said with a mischief smirk plastered on her lips.

"Why do I have a feeling that this is trouble?"

"Oh no! Don't worry."

"Okay by the way I wanted to tell you something..."

"Ya go on..."

"Okay so don't freak out, but I got a ...."


" Okay so I got a puppy..."

You won't believe what happened after that... there was a sudden hug which made all the oxygen which I was inhaling and the carbon dioxide that I was exhaling stooped.


"Oh sorry...OMG KAREN YOU GOT A PUPPY FINALLY!! So now you will finally have someone with you, after what happened with you-"

"Please Sara can we not talk about it?"

"Okay fine don't worry."

"Okay cool, so Jenny and I will be there at 5 okay?"

"Okay cool"



Yaasss Math period over! *small victory dance in my head*

I exited the class and walked to my locker, once I reached there I saw the same blue color paper stuck on my locker. I removed the tape and opened the letter. It said:

Dear Karen,

Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!

Anyways, I hope you liked the dog. So I was saying that lets get to know each other?

Okay so lets start:

1. I am 18 years old.

2. I love to play football.

So I have said 2 things about you tell me 2 things about you.

❤ Secret Admirer.

I was smiling after reading that letter. Just as I was about to write something back, someone pushed me against the cool lockers. My bare back was now against the grey metal lockers.


Hey guys! I hope you all liked this chapter. I would love to know what you all think of this chapter.


Who do you think is this person who pushed her against the lockers.






The Secret Admirer ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora