This was going to be fun..


I open my eyes slowly as my messy room comes into view. I had spent till five am making decorations and stuff for my fiesta tonight. I smile at my crappy home made banner and my confetti. Everything was going to be perfect and I am gonna make sure mr always grumpy does not ruin it. I turn to my clock and stare wide eyed. Already twelve. I had to get ready and make my cake. I get up quickly and make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I brush to the tune of happy birthday and feel slightly better that tonight I would be able to drink away the sorrows and get mad drunk legally. I smirk and dress myself up in a pretty short pink lace dress. I place cute flip flops on my feet and leave my hair out. Today was going to count for something. It didn't matter if I was stuck here. It was my birthday and I was going to celebrate it if I want too.

I make my way out the door closing my room on the way out. When I get to the kitchen I reach for the corn flakes and the milk placing them on the counter. I get a bowl and a spoon and take a seat serving myself a nice bowl and putting milk into it. Then I move myself over and hand it to Lorenzo who grabs it with a raised eyebrow.

"What? You always steal my cereal. Now I'm giving it to you" I say making my way to get another bowl. He watches me strangely and eyes me up and down smirking. I scowl my cheeks getting red.

"What's gotten you so cheery" he asks genuinely confused.
"It's none of your business." I say serving myself another bowl and watching as he takes a seat across from me and eats his cereal or my cereal.

"I'm going out and I'll be back by eight. Don't do anything stupid." He says after finishing his bowl and placing it in the sink. I nod and watch as he exits the house with the keys and everything. Once I'm sure he's gone I get up and begin to gather everything to make my cake. It was going to be bomb. Red velvet with cream cheese icing.

After getting that together I would build a beautiful fort in the living room where I could drink and eat an entire cake.


7:39 pm

I jump up and down in my flurry pink dress dancing to the music as my cake looks at me. Was it time to drrriinkkk? Yassssss!!!

I open up the bottle of champagne and reach for the cup. Cup? Should I use a cup? No! Be irresponsible, I yell at myself and gurgle down a big sip of the bubbly fizzy drink. I screech. It takes like fire. My taste buds screech and the taste of the cake is now gone. It's replaced with this bitter yet olivey taste. Was this even champagne? I gulp down another sip. What the hell was this? After four or five sips I feel my body becoming lighter and the music more delightful.

What time was it. I jump up and down and look at my awesome decorations. There's confetti all over the floor and my banner hangs on the wall as I grab a different beverage. Oooooo winesky what was that. I open it and take a gulp.

"Oooowwww" the burning is much stronger in this thingy. I start laughing hysterically as my dance moves turn into a lot of tripping. My head feels fuzzy and everything seems suddenly funny as my sides begin to hurt. I dance to despacito as it blasts loudly throughout the entire house and carry my body weight over to the couch.

I stand up with my champagne thing in my hand and start to jump up and down as it spills everywhere. I get down laughing crazily. This was crazy fun! I twirl only to be suddenly reawakened by Lorenzo's hardened face. He was angry. Hundred percent. Where had the music gone? This is when I realize I'm not that drunk rather just tipsy. Very very tipsy. I giggle at the spinning room.

"What are you doing?" He asks surprisingly calmly. I get serious and decide I have a right to respond.
"Today's my birthday" I say smiling. But this only makes him less happy.
"So? Why are there bed sheets hanging from the walls?" He asks angrily.
"Because..." I feel embarrassed all of a sudden and have no way to answer. What should I say?

"Come on go get cleaned up" he says beckoning to the bathroom. I scowl. Was he party crashing? I was so indecisive was it the alcohol.
"No." I say giggling. What should I do? I'm acting like an idiot.

"Ugh, please just go. Come on. Now." He says demandingly.

"Did I mention I turned 21" I say laughing.
"No congratulations" he replied unamused. He is really a party pooper.
"Thank you." I say unsure if I should move. I look to my toes. Where had my shoes gone?

"Alright come on" he says going towards the door. Oh no. He was done. He was going to kill me. It was sure. I feel the tears break through as I begin sobbing hysterically.
"Why are you crying?" He asks confused. I shake my head. Why am I crying?

"I don't know" I choke between sobs and fall to my knees.
"Oh my, your hopeless" he says coming over to me and getting on his knees to be at the same level. He removes the hair from my face and for the first time I'm hundred percent sure that's a semi smile on his face.

"Why are you happy?" I ask upset.
"Because its funny" he says his annoying but sexy accent beginning to piss me off.
"Can I just go to sleep?" I ask. But when I try to get up I fall back down putting my body weight on him.

"Why are you so bad?" Oh shoot. That didn't come out like I wanted it too. He stares at me confused.
"What did you do? Did you kill a brother?" I ask trying to get him to flinch or spill something out.
"A mother? A baby? An uncle? A cousin? A neighbor with a beard?" He scowls at my insinuations and I feel I pushed it just a little this time.
"It's time for you to go to bed" he says lifting me up and carrying me over to my room. I feel my eyes closing on them selves and before we reach my bed I feel the darkness shift me away.

Oh well.

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