"You didn't have to mention him I was just playing around." Jacob poked his lips out at me and widened his eyes, I swear it was the cutest thing ever. "Aww Jacob I didn't mean-" I was cut off with the doorbell ringing. I got up to see who it was. It was most likely Malcolm and the gang so I wasn't too worried. And I guess I was right. When I opened the door I saw Malcolm first. I didn't even notice the little bundle of joy next to him until she basically tackled me into a hug. 

"Oh my gosh! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! I am soo excited, you cannot believe how excited I am. Thank you for inviting me to go with you." I couldn't help but laugh at her giddiness. "No problem Mary, I had to make sure the girl I considered my sister was there." She stiffened and looked up at me. "Really? You think of me as a sister?" 

I smiled and nodded. "Duh." 

Just by the way she was smiling and hugging me with love told me that I just changed her in a way. And from the smile on Malcolm and Jace's face tells me they saw it too. "Oh where are my manners, come on in guys and just drop your bags right there. You made it in time because we are waiting for food and then we will head out." They followed me into the dining room where everybody else was waiting to eat. Everybody exchanged pleasantries and sat down when the food was brought out. We shared prayer before everybody dug in. 

(Few Hours Later) 

We just arrived in LA and lets just say that it was a pretty experience so far. After breakfast we all headed to the airport to get on my private jet. It was fun seeing Jace and Mary's stunned faces when they saw it. even Malcolm looked shocked. I will admit my jet was kinda over the top. When I first started making a lot of money off of my acting career, the first thing I wanted to buy was my own customized private jet. It took a while since I wanted it customized, but I eventually got what I wanted. Let me tell you this now. Never and I mean ever let a 10 year old decide how her private jet should look on the outside. 

When I was ten and my mom finally allowed us to buy a jet plane, I was soo happy. I already had a plan of how I wanted my plane to look. When we bought it, the guy told me they could decorate it how I wanted. My jet was silver and on one side had 'Livvy' in this fancy cursive in pink, nice and big for everybody to see and the day I started my career. On the other side were pictures of Barney cause that was the show I was working on at the time. I of course took them off as I got older, but kept one on there to remind me how lucky I am. Now to replace all the Barney pictures is a silhouette of me and my pic and music notes all around.

But yeah it was pretty funny watching them drool over the outside. When they got inside though that was a whole 'nother story. They were so mesmerized they wouldn't sit down the whole plane ride unless we were ascending or descending. We had just arrived in LA and were in the trucks on the way to the house. My family and I have a house here in LA when we need to come out here for business. It wasn't a very long car ride, but with Jacobs terrible singing, it felt like the car ride was an eternity. We could tell everybody was getting irritated with him, that's why I was happy that we pulled up to the house. Everybody got out, grabbed their luggage, and went to pick out their rooms. There were a total of ten rooms besides my room, my brother's room, and my parents room. Jace and Malcolm got the room across from mine, and Mary got the room next to mine. All my back up dancers and band members got the rooms further down the hall. 

Everybody was settling in when my phone rang. "Hey girlfriend!!! I'm pulling into the drive way so you better come open the door." I rolled my eyes. "Anything for you your majesty." I ran down the stairs to open the door just in time to see Taylor walk up the sidewalk. 

"Tay-Tay!!!!" I ran towards her as she looked up and smiled. "Liv-Liv!!!!" We ran up to each other hugging and laughing at the same time. "Oh my god you-" "I know right you are-" "Thanks girl I had to-" 'What?!?! No way did you know that Adam asked-" "Oh snap he is totally perf-" "I know that's what I say." We just started laughing. Me and Taylor are so close we don't even wait for the other person to finish their sentence before we know what they are talking about. It's a bond we have that is perfect for us because sometimes we don't even need to say anything for the other to know what we are feeling.

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