"What about Leah?" Alec asked nervously, leaning against the wall with his hands shoved into his pockets. Only recently had he come to terms with her betraying us, but he still loved her. He couldn't just switch that off.

"Oh, I'm going to kill her once we have Violet back." Vince spoke, voice low. "Right after I have finished sticking pins into Benjamin's eyes, of course."

"Bu─" Alec started to speak but was interrupted by a knock at the door. Immediately, we all stood up straight, glancing at one another as though trying to figure out if we could trust the person on the doorstep.

Chances were, we probably couldn't.

Marl walked out of the room to open the front door, returning minutes later with a nervous looking Leah following behind.

Vince was on her in a second, pinning her against the wall with a hand around her throat, lifting her off the floor, fangs on display. Seeing how different his fangs were to hers, Leah's eyes widened and reached up, using her nails to claw at his wrist in a desperate attempt to get him to release her but it was no use. Hybrids were much stronger than vampires, which is why I had never wanted to get on the wrong side of one.

Anger always did make people more dangerous but an angry Vince wasn't someone I wanted to cross. He'd cut your organs out and laugh whilst doing it.

"You want your sister back so badly you're willing to betray those you claim to care for," Vince snarled, squeezing his hand tighter. "There is only one way you can see her again and I am more than happy to be the one to do it."

"NO!" Alec shouted, rushing over to Vince and tackling him to the ground. Vince, not having expected this, was thrown off guard and Leah was able to get away, but she took a step back, held her hands up in surrender and looked at me.

It shouldn't have been possible.

It shouldn't have been possible to look someone in the eye, someone I once considered a friend, and feel absolutely nothing but hatred. I didn't feel sympathetic, or hurt ─ not anymore. Now, all I felt was a burning hatred and the desire to finish her.

Taking a step forward, about to do just that, Leah jumped back a step. "No, no, Shadow, please! I know where Violet is!"

"Oh, you better start talking, bitch," Rose narrowed her eyes, clutching the stake she always kept with her. She had actually impressed me lately, becoming more fearless now her friend was in danger. "Or this stake is going up your ass."

"Won't he notice you're gone?" Ric asked her, calmly. "I assume you've been staying with him."

"Probably slept with him so he won't kill her." Rose snorted, causing Ric's mouth to twitch.

Leah looked at her, expression hardening. "I'm not the one sharing his bed at night."

The implication was obvious. Anger coursed through my body, stronger than ever. If that bastard dared put his hands on Violet, he was going to regret it. I'd make sure of it.

"Tell us everything." Vince spoke, having gotten to his feet, Alec standing stony faced by his side.

"He's keeping her in the place he lives with his friends, all eight of them. They aren't there yet but they will be in a few days. I can take you there, but we'd ha─"

"What makes you think we'd trust you to lead us there? You could be leading us to our deaths." Vince interrupted, glaring at her harshly.

"Because what he's planning is sick, that's why!" Leah's voice raised. Keeping her eyes on me, I saw the expression on her face turn, looking more and more disgusted by whatever she was thinking about. "He's getting more and more crazed by the day, Shadow. When he said he wants Violet to replace his mate, he really meant it. He's got her wearing Georgia's clothes and sharing his bed with him... he rarely lets her out of his sight."

"He's forcing Vi to sleep in his bed?!" Rose screeched, eyes wide.

"How is she?" I asked Leah, watching carefully for any change in her expression. "Has he hurt her?"

Leah winced, shrinking back slightly. "The day he brought her to his home. I wasn't in the room watching but it sounded like... well, it sounded like a whip. Apart from that, he hasn't hurt her. I've been trying to keep out of his way though so I don't see her much."

"Has he marked her?" Ric asked, a pained expression taking over. He'd been blaming himself for this ever since we got him back.

"Not yet," She shook her head. "He plans to do it in a week, whether she wants it or not."

"If what you're saying is true, we need to leave now. Before his friends get there." I stated. A fight against his friends wouldn't end well for us, not when we weren't sure how many hybrids there was.

"Can he even do that though?" Alec asked, brows furrowed as he looked at each of us. "Me and Vi used to talk about this sort of thing. Was if her body rejects his mark? That can happen, can't it? If she's forced, I mean..."

"There are cases of it happening," Vince said grimly. "Which makes it all the more important we retrieve her as soon as possible. It could kill her, vampire or not."

"There's something else you should know too..." Leah paused, chewing on her bottom lip as if deliberating whether to actually tell me. I took a step forward, ready to force it out of her but she noticed and hurriedly started to speak. "I heard them talking."


"Georgia, his mate, was his entire world. His love for her is the sole reason he wanted the grimoire in the first place. Now she's gone, he's using Violet as a replacement so he doesn't go crazy. That's all. It's like a punishment, forcing her to stay with him. He doesn't care about her at all."

That hadn't surprised me to learn that, though hearing it confirmed had me all the more anxious. I needed to rescue her, while I still stood a chance. Benjamin using her as a means to an end while simultaneously punishing her for taking his true mate away from him, Violet was in more danger  ever. He could hurt her as much as he wanted and I couldn't do a thing to prevent it from happening. 

I needed to get to her. I was incapable of resting until I had her back in my arms.  It felt like part of me was missing, a vital part that was needed to function. I already missed her and I wanted nothing more than to pull her in close and kiss her like it was the last day on earth because I couldn't see my life without her in it. Not anymore. My love for was too damn strong and I refused to let her go. 

Benjamin had another thing coming if he genuinely thought I wasn't going to go and my girl back.

"So why can't you bust her out of there?" Rose asked her, eyebrows raised. "You're the only one that can do it without it being suspicious."

"Because Violet is under the impression she can change his mind."

Please tell me I didn't just fucking hear that.

"What?" Alec gawked at her in disbelief. Apparently I wasn't the only one struggling to come to terms with that bit of information.

"You know what she's like. She see's the good in everyone and... well, it is her fault his mate is dead. She got him to crack a little but he's not going to change his mind on this. He needs her to keep him sane because he's too lost in his grief." Leah explained quickly. Then, grinning, she said, "Which is where you lot come in."

If Violet really was putting herself in danger by trying to talk Benjamin out of his plans for her, I really needed to get her the hell out of there before he snapped and marked her just so it was over and done with.

I'm coming to get you, Violet, and you better fucking be alive when I do. 

Rebornजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें