Part 26

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Chapter twenty-six


     Kehlani have been staying at Marcus house for the two last days. She felt safer there, and also open up about their relationship to Sebastian. At first he wasn't happy about it, because Marcus sent him to take care of kehlani in a friendly way. Not to put himself on with her.

But the more he thought about it , the more he rather had her date him instead of some nigga he didn't know.

As for Sebastian he was really feeling Amber, there relationship was unexpected. But after that night, they ended up sleeping again the next morning. But Sebastian trusted Amber, she was a ride or die chick. He wanted to see where their relationship was heading.

Marcus and kehlani sat on the couch getting ready to watch a scary movie. Kehlani slightly yawn because she was actually extremely tired. She haven't sleep like she use to because she was afraid of Damien popping up.

But Damien haven't found her yet, and probably never will

but kehlani thought wrong.

"You want some popcorn?" Kehlani chuckle.

"Sure." He smiled and got up, and kehlani sat her bag on the edge of the couch. She laid her head down, and didn't even know she doze off and fell alseep.

Marcus put the popcorn in the microwave for three minutes , once it finished popping. He grab a bowl , and poured some popcorn. He smirk as he grab the hot sauce putting it on the popcorn.

"She's going to be mad." Marcus said to himself.

Marcus walked back inside the living  and accidentally hit Kehlani bag making it fall it onto the floor. Her stuff fell out making him smack his lips.

"Shit." He mumble. He sighed , and sat his bowl down. He chuckle as he turn on the light and saw her peacefully sleeping.

"Typical Lani." He mumble.

He shook his head and bent down grabbing all her stuff placing it back in her bag.

Marcus furrowed his eyebrows once he spotted pictures that fell out of a yellow envelope.

In front of the envelope it read "Chicago marriage center."

He look at Kehlani to make sure she wasn't up, and began to look through the pictures.

"What the hell?" Marcus said to his self , as she seen Lani wedding picture of Kehlani and guy that looked familiar . But he was more pissed off because she was married , and he was thinking about making her his girl.

"Nah this can't be him..." Her husband looked just like the guy who broke into James house. He shook his head , and went through another set of picture. And another, more picture of her guy. Then a light bulb went over his head.

"Hold the fuck up." Marcus quickly got up with the picture in his hand, and jogged towards the back where his office was at. Marcus was pissed. He walk behind his desk, pulling out the picture off the footage.

Marcus vision became blurry.

At this moment Marcus didn't know what to think.

"She's married to this guy??" Marcus question to himself.

Then Marcus out two and two together.

"All I know is when I walked in I saw a female pointing a gun at grandma. I know it was a female cause she had long black hair and was crying for the dude to come downstairs. I also kinda know what the guy looked like. But it was too dark for me to really get a good look at him. The guy had dreads ... the length like yours. The chick had an ski mask on , but I did catch the tattoo on the girl neck. It was a some purple thing , like a with a butterfly or a flower. She was closer to the window with light:" Marcus and Roscoe nodded their head both taking in the information they received. It wasn't much , but it was enough.

"Which angle did you see the tattoo. I was facing forwards so her left...." Roscoe nodded head and Marcus sighed.

Marcus ran into the living room to sleeping Kehlani. He pushed her hair to the side , and his heart drop to the pit of his stomach.

Marcus went with Kehlani to get this tattoo, Marcus was fucking played.

This was the bitch that killed his grandmother.

The bitch that pushed her down the stairs.

The bitch he was seeking revenge for and was out to get.

Marcus was beyond pissed off at this moment. He didn't know what to do.

"Marcus.......?" He turn around and she saw anger in his eyes.

Kehlani sat up, and could tell he was pissed off. Kehlani eyes traveled down to to floor to see all her things on the floor. She look up to the table , to see her "wedding" picture scattered all over the table.

Kehlani already knew he found out everything. She didn't know how much did he found out.

Before she could even look up, she felt her body lifted off the couch and thrown across the room.

"Bitch you killed my momma???" Kehlani  groan as she slowly lifter her body up.

"I'm sorry.... Marcus please stop....I can explain." Marcus picked up the vase on the coffee table , and threw it across the living making her jump.

"What could possibly be your explanation!!!" Marcus yelled. "Fuck that...fuck that." Marcus said while chuckling.

Marcus walked in the kitchen furious, at this moment Marcus didn't give a fuck.

His grandma meant everything to him, and she took her away.

He didn't even care if she was Sebastian little sister, and what he was about to do was going to end everything.

He look under the table for his gun, but couldn't find it making him slam his hand on the table.

"Where's my shit!!!!!" Marcus yelled, Kehlani was terrified. She jump up, and sprinted towards the door. She had no choice but to leave before he did anything crazy.

Marcus eyes traveled to the front door, and Kehlani swung it open.

But Damien was right at the door thinking about what he was about to do to this nigga.

When BOOM , surprise.

Kehlani .

She jump once she saw Damien at the door with a gun in one hand , and a half drunk bottle in the other.

Damien smirk , obviously drunk.

Shit was about to go down.


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