Part 7

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Chapter seven

  Sebastian sighed as he looked at the calendar

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  Sebastian sighed as he looked at the calendar. He officially had six months left, until he was finally out of this hell hole. Sebastian was grateful his sentence was cut short. Sebastian was twenty- eight years old , and spent his early and late twenties locked up in a jail cell but haven't learn his lesson yet. Because once he's out, he's back to the same shit and mostly important doing some unfinished business.

Sebastian stood up from his bed , slipping on his black boots and coat . It was after lunch , and it was time for every body to go out into the court yard for some "fresh" air when it was cold out.

Sebastian walked out his cell , and stood in line as everybody began exiting out the building. The guard did a count , for a maximum of thirty people to go out into A1 court yard. As everyone exited outside , and went their separate ways. Sebastian sat on the bench , pulled out his note book and a old pencil to begin his drawing.

Sebastian stayed to himself , didn't associate with others , and stayed out of other people business. Sebastian didn't want any problems with other cell mates , because every day somebody got hurt or killed at night or day. As Sebastian began drawing to himself , he heard someone being seated in front of him. Sebastian just sighed ...and didn't bother look up.

"Aye you know what time we leave from inside here?" Sebastian slowly looked up as he seen a guy in orange uniform indicating he just arrived to the prison.

"A quarter to four.." The guy nodded his head slowly, and tug to his jacket.

"It's cold as hell out here...cook county always had us in the inside court during the fall." Sebastian nodded still silent.

Raymond sighed knowing he didn't want to start a conversation be didn't care. "...Oh I'm Raymond by the way." Sebastian looked up noticing he wasn't going to shut up any minute so he nodded his head giving him his full attention.

"How long you been here?" Raymond asked, Raymond did have a cold hearted soul , but he was in here for life and didn't think it was bad to interact with other people in jail. Shit he might as well, and get on everybody good side.

"Twelve years..." Sebastian responded making him widen his eyes.

"Damn...." Raymond mumble.

"You? How long you in here for" Sebastian spoke drawing into his notebook.

"Life." Sebastian looked up at Raymond , and shook his head. He was in jail for life and looked pretty young.

"Damn joe..." Raymond shrugged. "I took life for my family." Raymond responded.

"Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do for the people you love." Raymond continued , Sebastian understood what he was saying. Sebastian lost his little sister Armani , and his parents. The only family he has left was Kehlani , but she never came to see him. Sebastian knew something was up so he got in contact his old friend Marcus and he automatically found her helping her out with certain things.

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