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  • Zadedykowane Alex M. :)

[A/N]: This just shows how much I love you. I updated 2 ahead! :D Enjoy! :D 

P.S. Hey, Alex, I hope you really, really, really like it! :D  


Forget frou-frou skirts, forget pompoms, forget the game—damn it! Forget everything!

So, Ally was practicing all day long. Wow. Maybe she got an exclusive training from Coach Finnegan. Why wasn’t Lisa or Katie with her?

Note an octave of sarcasm off my nerves.

Oh, and guess what? Dash won; therefore, he joins the team.

So, should I cheer as well? Should I say, “Go Eagles!”?

Right with all that yeah.

I’ve had enough of subterfuge in a day!

First with Ally, second with Dash—now, who’s next? James? Katie?

D. B. A. B.

After the game and cheers, I immediately went to talk to Ally, who was talking to Dash.

Surprise, surprise, and surprise, that’s all I get. What more do I need? What more can I want?

So, I waited patiently and just looked at them from afar. I heard some giggling. Hmm, maybe I’m viewing a rated PG- 13 scene. They look like they’re flirting!

After five minutes, their conversation ended. Dash walked towards me, and bid me a wave.

“See ‘ya tomorrow, Carrie!” He shouted as he went to the garage of the academy.

I think that was the fourth time I heard him say my name. Four times, in a course of three days, he did say it.

The first time he ever noticed me had been “Miss Green- Eyed Monster”, and then “you”, or “hey”—just that.  But the first time he called me “Carrie” was during lunch, when he needed me to tour and guide him in the academy. And that was twice. The third time was when I decided to ‘play his game’. The fourth, well, was just now.

Oh, shut me up.

Now, my hands felt sweaty. And it isn’t even hot. I don’t really have an oily skin—I treat them quickly before my skin or face becomes too shiny. And somewhere in my veins, I could feel my pulse staggering. Plus, my heart kept beating wildly.

Oh, shut me up.

Tadashi Kawano is so, so, so, so, so FRUSTRATING!

A minute comes, I’m mad at him for flirting. A minute goes, he says my name, and here, I’m struggling with unknown forces making me go bonkers!

Argh! What’s wrong with me? And did I just say I got mad at him for flir--? Oh no, STOP!!!

Face palm, or rather slap. Either way, I don’t understand the way I am every time I’m with SINCC.

Any roads, while my mind kept on juggling facts and opinion on my reaction to Dash’s calling me, Ally walked and talked to me.

“Hey, um, Carrie,” Ally greeted, though I could tell her actions are careful around me.

Well, who wouldn’t? I was blasting mad!

I looked at her, and waited for her explanation.

“I’m absolutely, really, terribly sorry for not being with you in 4th period, 6th period, and lunch; and for not answering your phone messages or calls,” Ally solemnly said.

Forget- Me- NotOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz